The book

The following months were suffered, venturing into the forest to seek food, he tried several different fruits and grains, with his claws he even managed to hunt small birds and animals. I tested some unknown herbs on these animals while they were still alive to make sure which ones were poisonous and which were not.

He almost died when he encountered a kind of giant boar that sent jets of flame through his mouth. Yes, magic exists in this world, some study to learn to use and others are born with the magic contained in the blood. I still don't know about it so decide not to try it for now.

So the time passed, between hunting and learning about this new world, about 6 years passed. I am already much taller and stronger than that stunted child from before. Founded a way to earn money, I have discovered that even with the prejudice inherent in my race business is business, no one would refuse to buy a good piece of meat hunted by me just because of my origin, at most I would receive a less payment than the market price, but it was better than nothing. With the money I collected I managed to buy new clothes and a dagger to make my life easier.

Walking around the city market I stop at some stalls to look at the items, you never know when I can find something good here. I pass an elderly man, with some scars and a missing eye, he was wearing a shabby military-looking outfit, playing with a knife between his fingers while standing behind a cloth spread on the floor with some items on display for sale, which my attention is the book he is selling

I learned the writing of this place over time, not enough to write elaborately, but enough to read a little. "Sir, how much do you want for this book?" The old man looks at me with a disgusted face, which I have grown accustomed to over time, and spits through his teeth. "Twenty silver coins! If you can't pay, get out of here and stop scaring my customers." I ignore the end of the speech and pay him directly. Twenty silver coins is enough to feed me for a few months, and I managed to collect a good amont of money all these years, but this book will help me a lot, so I brought it. I put the book under my arm and leave.