Absorbing the mana

The information was pumping in my mind making me energetic, I couldn't wait for that. I wasn't going to get a master to help me, besides, I didn't want my path to be limited because of that, so the path I would have to follow was the first. The excitement wouldn't let me sleep at night so I climbed a tall tree and sat down on one of the thick branches with crossed legs and started to meditate.

I spent a few minutes to calm my mind and trying to feel something around me, it took a while but all the meditation paid off. There weren't many, but I could feel the mana flowing in all the things around me, on the tree I was sitting on, inside the rocks on the ground, circulating in the air and the little animals that walked at night.

The most difficult thing now was to drag this mana into me, I used my mental strength to try to pull the mana closer to me, that of the tree, but it seemed that I was trying to move a mountain, the mana was fixed and without moving. I stopped a little and tried another way, the mana in the air was a little thinner compared to the tree but it was easier to be pulled, the first particle came into contact with my body and the sensation was the same as a snowflake when it touched my skin, it was a little cold and then it melted and entered my body.

I spent the whole night absorbed in it, each particle had different properties, some were cold, others were heavy, others were like a breeze, and there were still others that gave me a strange sensation as if a snake crawled across my skin.

The night alone was not enough, I spent a whole month meditating in all possible places and knowing different types of mana. Until one day something seemed to change inside me, all the mana accumulated inside my body acted like a whirlwind and concentrated until it became a small spot near my solar plexus and a voice echoed in my head.

[Manipulator of mana recognized by the world will. Starting profile assembly process.]

[Status will be completed in 60, 59, 58, 57 ... 3, 2, 1]