Classes and jobs

After taking his reward Nicola left the city towards the forest, he had used the forest as a base for his experiments for some time and found it more pleasant to keep it that way for now, at least he wouldn't attract other people's eyes. He walked a little deeper into the forest until he found a cave whose entrance was disguised by some entwined branches.

The dimly lit cave had the space of a small room, where you could see a small bed on the floor and a makeshift table in the corner with some papers on top of it.

With Nicola's constant learning, it was not difficult for him to master the local language and start writing using it.So he wanted to see his status again, and then the information came to his mind.

Name: Nicola Kanata

Race: Bestial Tiefling [Septum Demon + Yako Kitsune]

Level: 04

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 20

Constitution: 14

Intelligence: 9

Wisdom: 14

Charisma: 19

Free points: 3

HP: 36/36

MP: 14/14

Passive Skills: Night Vision +2; Enhanced senses +2; Elemental affinity - Fire +2, Water +1, Wind +1, Earth +1, Lightning +1, Darkness +2, Light +1; [???]; [???].

Active Skills: Persuasion / Seduction; [???]; Wild claws; Fox fire; [???]

Available classes: Warlock, Hunter, Fighter,

Available professions: Craftsman, Blacksmith, Miner, Herbalist, Alchemist, Trader

With his highest level Nicola received some improvements in his mana ability, the blocked abilities have yet to give any hint as to when they would become available. However some classes and professions became available to him, whenever he talked to someone he kept his identity unknown, the cloak turned almost like a second skin for him.

His surveys helped to better understand the system. Each level would give free points to be used in statistics and increase vitality and magical reserve. Classes and professions were a little different, for classes to be available, first the person would have to meet some special requirement, only then it would become available. And then, after that she should train in this aspect, some people develop their paths in the classes from scratch, but the path was full of mistakes and successes, so people generally join the powers that have manuals of techniques passed down for generations.

Professions work in almost the same way, they are unlocked by simpler actions and they are not so difficult to master more than one, several people have more than one profession. Basically, after unlocking the profession in the system and learning its principles, with the first achievement within the profession the system recognizes you as a worker and adds it to your status, the system brings several buffs and tips that can be applied on them.