Elemental affinities level

It has been eight minutes since the battle began when Nicola made his final move. With the help of his elemental control, he launches needles towards the opponent and as he moved in the air, each towards the wounds opened by himself. Some aimed their eyes and mouth while most of them entered the wounds causing irreversible damage.

The monster roared in pain as it fell and rolled on the ground, writhing, as conflicting elemental energies entered its body, the lightning paralyzed its nerves and destroyed its muscles, the fire burned everything it saw ahead and how shadows transformed its internal organs into one. decomposed and putrid mud. He continued for a few seconds before he died for good.

[You killed the magical beast Steel geeko, you gained experience]

As soon as he finished the animal, the iron bars grid of the arena opened again for him to withdraw. He was taken to an area with about fifty people who were waiting patiently, he can see the twins and Tiane there, they had also passed the second test. After waiting a little while and the second exam was over, only sixty-eight people remained.

"You have passed on the second phase of the test. From now on we will test your elemental affinity. Anyone who has a low aptitude or above, in any element is approved." He said.

The minotaur was a little exasperated, it was exactly a test in what he failed in the previous times, despite being a powerful warrior his elemental affinity was terrible, this could be increased in some way through training, but the one who was born with an innate elemental type like Nicola, they would take much better time than their opponents in controlling these elements.

Back to the amphitheater a sphere was placed in the middle of the stage, it glowed faintly in the sunlight. Nine other smaller spheres floated around it, almost like planets orbiting a sun.

The first candidate took the stage and put his hand on the sphere and concentrated his energy within the sphere in the center, which shone with a red light and lit three other spheres around. "Affinity with the element of fire, basic aptitude" The result was quickly decided and the young man was eliminated and sent out.