Mission hall

'If I relax I will end up being left behind' he thought.

The mission section of the academy was a large hall where a large frame could be saw listing several different missions. Each student could only accept missions up to two levels higher than their own, but that did not prevent the formation of different teams.

Nicola was dressed in a wizard's robe similar to his companions, but his was only black in a harmonic composition. His four tails dangling from his back almost transformed him into a young nobleman from a wealthy house, the presence of superiority emitted by his aura was felt even from a distance.

Looking at the board for a while, he approached the black counter "I'm taking on the 43rd mission, collecting the bones of a black skeleton in the graveyard swamp" that was a very dangerous level 19 mission, but the reward was also quite generous.

"A brave young man, this mission has been available for a few months and nobody has been able to complete it. Give me your identification so I can register your name" The wizard that control the missions warned while Nicola handed his documents over the counter.

"Here it is" The old man finished his job and handed Nicola a map with the location of the cemetery, he was about 30 kilometers from the capital just a day's walk.

Nicola was always prepared for certain occasions and kept everything in his spatial ring.

From the mission room he left straight from the academy and headed northwest where the map indicated the location. The fauna and flora found in the magical forests of the Empire of Melkor was quite different from the ordinary, the vegetation seemed more delicate almost as if touched by fairies, everything exuded a strong magical and elemental sensation.

Unlike the Avec Kingdom, where most living beings have adapted to fight with their physical bodies and have become living weapons. The living beings here were more strongly connected to the elements, some plants were quite hot, while others felt static, some disappeared from the ground where they were and appeared meters ahead.

The magical animals followed the same principle, while walking along the road Nicola saw a deer inside the forest, the deer had a strong life force inside him, flowers sprouted from its horns like a tree in the spring season.