
Nico thought as he walked slowly towards the road near the swamp. But the snake would not let him out that easy.

Again the python attacks Nicola, this time from the front side. Nicola raises his swords to defend himself from the attack, but the snake is very large and heavy and push him into the water, trying to drown Nicola in the swamp.

The snake coils around him, squeezing his thin body, he tries to get out, but the snake's strength exceeds his. As a Warlock newly arrived at Level 18, he knew that the black python was at least a level 19 monster but so close to become a level 20. In the late phase of the level and it was not possible for him to win with his current strength.

Nicola used his aura to confuse the great black snake while infusing all elements of his sword in one point and attacking his enemy to get away. 'katcha' The sword pierced his right eye, a flower of blood gushed in place of the wound, it was beautiful and cruel at the same time.

The cut was not very deep to kill it but enough for the python to loosen its grip. Even letting him escape and bleeding in one eye, the python hissed and whipped Nicola with a heavy tail causing him to break some ribs while he was launched into the air.

He used that moment to escape the water, running back to the road as the snake writhed in pain. Looking back he saw the snake staring at him with the remaining eye, the cut would leave a beautiful scar on the snake.

From that moment on, they were mortal enemies. Nicola swore to himself, in the future he would return to finish this infamous snake.

Still trying to outwit the Black Python, Nicola ventured through the dark forest at night, animal noises in the bushes were common, owls chirping perched in the trees. He looked around for a tree tall enough to look around and find the road again.