Empress and Emperor

Name: Nicola Kanata

Race: Bestial Tiefling [Septum Demon + Yako Kitsune]

Level: 18

Strength: 13

Dexterity: 21

Constitution: 17

Intelligence: 16

Wisdom: 14

Charisma: 21

Free status points: 5

HP: 70/70

MP: 50/50

He was safe, however it took him longer to get back to the academy, the broken ribs made him walk slowly while still healing. The poison was inchmeal expelled from his bloodstream. After three days he arrived at the front door of the academy and was discharged from his mission.

"I'm going to need some time to stabilize my body again" He thought to himself. At least another ten days without making any substantial effort, like training any of my skills, be it forge, alchemy or martial arts. The only thing I have left are two options, studying puppets and analyzing the new specimens found.


After some time in the library, through many books on alchemy he found an item that fit the description of the mushroom he found. Entoloma lunae was the name given to this mushroom, as it absorbed lunar energy for a dozen years, the mushroom began to emit a bluish-silver light similar to the moon.

After reaching a hundred years, the mushroom receives sentience and becomes a spiritual being. It is heavily guarded by hundreds of mushroom monsters and adored as its empress. Its male counterpart is Entoloma solaceum, which absorbs solar energy, releasing a greenish-golden light and is considered the emperor among fungi.

The use of these fungi can be applied in alchemy as a catalyst for medicinal pills, an ingredient of unusual classification.Nicola wrote down the information about the mushroom and went back to his room. His room had a window in the ceiling, like a greenhouse, allowing the mushroom to bathe in the moonlight it needed to develop.

The dead mushroom monsters and the extra bones found in the swamp were lined up on a bench, waiting to be analyzed. 'Which one do I start with?' Nicola asked himself enthusiastically.

Then he took the bones and placed them under the adapted microscope to look at the composition more closely. When he put his eyes on the lens he could see something interesting, the black energy was absorbed by the bones, transforming them into receptors of dark energy, the making of any object that needed elementary energy from the darkness would be greatly strengthened with the use of these bones.