Fighting and running (Part 1)

It took him about three days to find the creature, it was a huge animal, its height was about 1.8 meters and its length was close to 3 meters. The fur was an immaculate white and waved with breezes that circulated around the ram, small electrical sparks were visible through its body. The horns went around himself like two curly pig tails and had a bright yellow color, dazzling and dangerously deadly.

When he arrived at the lake all the other animals made a way for him, Nicola didn't understand why, but he put the thought in the back of his mind as he watched.

He didn't take long to quench his thirst and then turned to leave, leaving the animals behind him looking at him with a strange look.

Nicola promptly followed from the shadows, his cloak of darkness and concealment spells allowed him to follow his target for a while without him noticing. He was approaching a cave, probably his home.

Nicola did not wait any longer, from the shadows where he was, he shot his needles towards the animal's legs to paralyze his movements and prevent him from escaping. However the ram was very intelligent, the breeze that passed around him was a kind of domain that allowed him to feel the movements around him in advance.

Of the four needles launched by Nicola, only one reached its destination in the ram's paw, the dark energy corroded part of the muscle, but it was soon neutralized and the healing process began with the element of light.

The ram reacted aggressively by turning to Nicola and charging at him with his horns. The elements around his body made his attack even more dangerous, his body was like a spear towards Nicola.

But he didn't count on Nicola's agility to deflect in the last second, he sneaked in and used two of his arms to hold the passing legs at high speed and used the rest to cut the ram's tendons and muscles. It seemed too easy, Nicola's senses were alert to any unexpected situation.

The magical beast was on the ground without moving, the magic of light present in his body constantly trying to repair the damage suffered in the tendons, but the triple elemental properties of his sword prevented the process from being done quickly.

Nicola approached the fearful animal, even if it was fallen on the ground, the animal was not afraid, in his eyes could be seen just a look of scorn.

Nicola used his tails to trap the ram and leave it unmobilized. And the moment he touched his horns, the animal let out a bale scream that could be heard over miles away. The electrical charge on his body increased dramatically trying to prevent Nicola from holding him.

Other roars echoed throughout the forest, the monsters allied with the ram were moving towards him, the sounds were getting closer and closer.

"Great rewards come with great dangers" Nicola spoke in a low voice and ignored the power of thunder trying to electrocute it while using a tool to pull the ram's right horn off the ground.