
After passing through a stone courtyard decorated with flowering trees in the morning, Nicola stopped in front of a gate where two guards, dressed in golden armors with the academy emblem, the six rings intertwined.

"Unauthorized people cannot exceed the limits of Mr. Cassius's residence!" The guard on the right spoke imperatively as he prevented Nicola from passing through the gates.

"I am a blacksmith and I was allowed to have a meeting with Master Cassius." Nicola said as he took out a letter of recommendation given to him by Ogume and signed by some other school elders. The guard read the contents and released Nicola's entry.

The outhouse were very well decorated to an almost royal level. The large front gardens bordered an avenue that led directly to the entrance, you could see different types of flowers and trees of the most different magical species that sparkled and released waves an tangles of mana in different formats.

Metalic statues and pedestals that showed different types of weapons and equipment were placed everywhere as a kind of portfolio of his best works.

Nicola was amazed as he used his improved eyes to try to discover the forging techniques of this equipment, he could feel that the energy used in these objects was totally different from the elemental energy he used to forge his weapons. He could feel that there was something more in this forge but he still couldn't figure out what it was.

"It is not appropriate for an uninvited guest to try to steal the secrets behind the art of a master blacksmith" A deep, deep voice came from inside a stone and metal mansion.

"Excuse me, Cassius, I was impressed by his works and fell into a trance looking at them. It was never my intention to disrespect him" Nicola apologized as he bent towards the entrance. "Master Ogume recommended me for a meeting with you" He continued while holding out the letter.