Bidding warfare

What no one but Nicola knew was that the beetles in that cage resonated with the blood running through their veins, giving them a special feeling of connection, so Nicola was sure to snatch them.

So the event proceeded normally until the moment that Nicola most expected. He looked at Cassius and nodded, Nicola had asked him for the other entourages not to compete with him when bidding for the item.

"The first of the ten main items being auctioned today, The Spatial fairy flower! I think it needs no introduction, everyone here knows what it is used for. The starting bid for it is 500,000 high quality mana crystals. " The lady announced in a light, invigorating voice.

Nicola raised his hand to make the initial bid, which was soon suppressed by others, quickly raising the price of the flower to 2 million mana crystals.

It was an old man with blond hair, who was beside him, none other than Augusto, his first enemy back in the forest, it seems that the Balta Family wanted to buy that flower anyway. Nicola smiled devilishly showing his white fangs while looking with a murderous look towards Augusto and his grandfather.

"Two million and one hundred thousand!" Nicola declared.

"Two and a half million!" the old man said

"Two million six hundred thousand" Nicola hit back.

"Three million!" The old man snorted and looked in the direction Nicola was bidding.

Augusto also looked towards the VIP room and remembered that face that made him suffer so much humiliation. "Grandfather, it's him. The tiefling who stole the magic core of the light years ago and humiliated me. He's doing it on purpose" Augusto said to his grandfather huffing as he remembered the moment he went through it.