
Even with the powerful spell created by Nicola, the energy of darkness ate away at the spell he created, with the expectation of time they would only have half an hour to become dark again.

the cave was large and empty, they could see dozens of herbs that depended on the energies of darkness to develop, grass from hell, thorn seeds, fallen tulips and blood mushrooms.

Nicola managed to find a diversity of bodies under that soil, bones of crocodiles, other snakes, frogs, fish, birds and even bones of dwarves and humans.

The ground flooded with energy from darkness and trapped souls was like a macabre graveyard. The two brothers wasted no time and set out to collect all the herbs they saw ahead, taking care not to release any elemental aura of light and damage these items.

Nicola waited for a while and then sent the two brothers into the space artifact to plant these herbs in the alchemy cultivation garden, and to develop an array of dark element accumulation. Nicola made a lot of money from his weapon and pill craft professions.

Then he bought several books that taught him the basic principles of creating elemental accumulation formations. So the brothers had at least the basic knowledge of the subject and could assemble one of these by themselves.

Nicola was alone in the cave and decided to walk some more, discovering where the snake slept, a nest full of feathers and animal hair was mounted there, the snake slept on top of some shiny equipment that caught Nicola's attention, he saw several rings that he was quick to collect and send them into the space artifact.

The brothers received the orders and cataloged the content shortly thereafter, Nicola did not have much hope of finding anything valuable as the dead records in this area were only cultivators at the bronze level.

'These other items are broken or too old' He thought. 'Maybe I should walk more. Something tells me that there is something in this cave that is not normal. '

He tried to feel where the dark energy was most concentrated and headed in that direction. The cave was large and he discovered from the tracks that even the snake did not go as far as he did. He saw bodies that looked old.

The skeleton of a snake much larger than the snake he faced appeared in front of him. Nicola came in and walked through the bones of that giant beast half buried.

Walking a few more meters, he can see the beasts of intact beasts, preserved by the elemental mana they still exuded. None of the bodies appeared to be marked by fighting or in battle positions.

On the contrary, they seemed to rest in that place, almost as if they were relaxing, if it weren't for Nicola not feeling any aura of life in those bodies he would have sworn they would still be alive.