Rena, who had looked at him in disbelief before, now looked even more disconcerted. It seems that the world had turned upside down and someone forgot to warn her. "Ma- May I know your level?" She stammered.
"I'm at level thirty-seven," he said. Leaving the room that was popping up with conversations completely silent and looking at him. It didn't seem to bother him, in fact that was a small warning to anyone who wanted to try something funny with him.
"These are six silver stars. Very close to the seventh actually." She confirmed stunned. "Sorry sir, I can't do this on my own, I will have to call the branch master so he can confirm and issue your new medal. We are sorry for the inconvenience." She spoke and then took a magic talisman and sent a message through it to the master of the branch.
The man was not long in coming downstairs. He was an old human who had a strong aura around him, he seemed to be at least on the top of the ten bronze stars, just half a step from entering the silver level, only the illumination was lacking to broke the bottleneck, it was enough to chase away anyone who he wanted trouble in his field, but much weaker than Nicola. Even so, the old man still had authority within the Guild to award a medal above his level.
"Sorry for the delay my guest, my name is Anterus, I am the branch chief of the Mercenaries' Guild in the city of Opus, it is very good to know that there is a cultivator who registered in the branch of our city of Opus and reached the silver levels. Rena here warned me about her level and we have to perform a test before approving her new classification, I hope it is not a nuisance. " Anterus said taking a white crystal from his space ring.
The crystal looked the same as it was used to test the level of newbies who were sign for being part to the guild, only that is of a much larger and denser size. Nicola put his hand on top of it and the crystal confirmed it with its strong shine, level thirty-seven. "That's enough?"
"Yes, sir, we will provide your new medal immediately." The old man said as he sent the request for the making of the medal. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" The old man said.
"I would like to know if there are any missions for me, but Rena was already looking at this for me." Nicola nodded to Rena who was still gaping at the corner of the counter. The old man nudged Rena aside causing her to wake up and attend to Nicola properly.
"Mr. Nicola, unfortunately due to the sudden increase in your level, we have no more mission, the mission with a higher ranking that we have is only at the level of the four silver stars".
"And what is it about?" Nicola asked back to Rena.
"O-w ... Well" She stammered. The branch master looked at her, ordering her to continue. "The mission consists of eliminating a demon that was seen on the Empire's borders with the forest. A few months ago a demon with wings was seen prowling the territory and was issuing an official mission by the army of the empire, so that whoever managed to eliminate the threat would be well rewarded." She stammered because she didn't want to tell Nicola that a mission was to kill a demon just as he had blood running through his veins. But to her surprise, Nicola didn't even blink and accepted a mission promptly.