Suanni Lion (Part 2)

Nicola used the remaining arms to attack the lion, so close to him Nicola only had one place to attack, the eyes. 'Sin Fox Song Style, first attack form, Requiem'. One of Nicola's arms was caught in the bite, but one of the eight tails soon took over the dagger that was in the trapped hand, executing the attack directly in the lion's eyes.

The explosion of elemental energy was enough for the lion to let go of Nicola's arm and leap backwards, giving a roar of pain and anger. His eyes were not protected by the powerful metallic skin that covered the rest of his body and were quickly damaged by Nicola's powerful attack, a blow like this was still curable for a magical beast of this caliber, but it was something that would take time, so Nicola could consider the lion blind for the rest of the battle.

Even so, Nicola did not let down his guard, just like him, most beasts had very sharp and powerful senses, even without seeing, the lion could still hear and smell it, easily locating Nicola's direction.

His arm was in tatters, the lion's teeth really showed their greatness. Nicola quickly activated regenerative abilities with the gluttony sin. His arm began to heal at a visible rate at the cost of Nicola's energy reserves.

Over time he had realized that sins would improve his abilities so he started to use them more often, so he used the sloth sin that made him camouflage himself very well, becoming virtually invisible, even the sound of his heart. Nicola's heartbeating became very slow, almost like that of a dead person, that not even the bestial senses of the lion could hear him, in addition Nicola merged in the shadows and have his scent was also erased.

The lion, having lost its enemy's trail, attacked on all sides trying to prevent itself from a surprise attack. From that point in the battle, the lion's destiny was already mapped out. Nicola attacked several times, none of the attacks inflicted much damage because of the lion's powerful defense, and hitting inside his mouth was also not feasible as there was literally a black hole inside it.

The only way to inflict considerable damage was to hit the lion with a piercing strike that focused only on one point and used the power to pierce and not to cut or explode. A stroke of pure power executed with mastery.

It was time for Nicola to use a skill that he had been training for some time, the dagger's intention, during that time he approached the dagger's path, starting to feel and issue the intention to enter a fight. Nicola did not need preparations and soon fired with only one of his attacking daggers towards one of the lion's eyes, his goal was to destroy his brain with this blow.

Nicola was still hidden when he launched the blow, leaving the lion surprised when he felt the dagger cross his eye again, but it did not stop there she pierced and fully penetrated the lion's head.

'Sin Fox Song Style, second attack form, Sonata'

The lion was still trying to lift his head trying to deflect the dagger from his brain but he couldn't. When a cultivator developed the intent of his weapon, his attacks became even more powerful, Nicola himself was clad in a sharp and piercing aura as if he himself had become a weapon.

An attack with this type of energy would generally be very difficult to defend if it hit someone directly, because the energy contained would cut everything in front of them. The beast shook his head with the dagger trapped a few times but did not resist, he ended up dying shortly after that, the dagger had passed through his brain mass and attacked from the inside out. On the outside its protection was very resistant, but on the inside everything was just gelatin and fragile organs.

[You killed the magical beast Suanni lion, you gained experience]

[You have leveled up! Level 40]

"Finally!" Nicola burst with joy. His arm was recovering from that of the lion's attack and the sin of gluttony needed meat to maintain itself. Nicola looked at the lion's corpse before storing it in the space ring and retrieving a shank of beast meat that was saved for those moments.

Nicola had suffered a lot of injuries in that fight, even had almost lost an arm against the lion, the same one who was being healed at the time, the battle had broken even some bones, and different from how he had healed himself fast in the cave where he found the essence of darkness, the bones could not be healed at the same speed, because if they were healed without being in the right place they would be deformed and the process needed to fix this would be to break again and realign the bones.

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