Doesn't this guy learn?

It was time to get out of there, Nicola looked around, there was no point in rebuilding all that, the soil had been burned and infected and everything he built went down the drain. Nicola collected the bodies of his undead so as not to leave evidence against him and walked through the forest.

He did not want to return to the branch of the Opus City mercenary guild to report this, so he walked for some time until he found the dead tree in which he found the balor and the portal. The squad of soldiers was still there, guarding and making rounds to make sure that no demons returned to the scene again. They were trying to reactivate the portal to have an access point into the demonic empire, but without success yet.

Nicola approached the guards who were there, slowly and with their hands raised. Which did not stop them from raising their magical swords and staffs towards him. "Calm down guys, I'm here in peace. Remember me, right? I was here a few months ago when you were brought here. I need you to send a message to General Scar again." Then he threw a medal on the floor, that was Rhicina's coat of arms, a golden hexagonal medal with three stars inside and the wings of a bird hugging the object.

The soldiers looked at each other before nodding and called the camp commander, who, upon realizing that the medal was the real thing, did not take long and soon contacted the General on a line very similar to the one that the Guild of Mercenaries used. It took more time than before for some movement to happen, it was not before half an hour of waiting for a well-known deformation in space to happen in that camp.

"Why did all this delay to warn me, I informed him that anything that happened in relation to him I should be warned immediately. Are you going against the power of the God of war, General Scar? From what I remember the last time he he was still his superior, I didn't know that the army disrespected hierarchical orders. "

Only one person would have the courage to shout like that with a general of the Melkor Empire's army, Rhicina opened the space door and went through it again accompanied by the general who was now silent, smoking beside her as he crossed the same portal.

Rhicina looked at Nicola, sitting in the middle of the camp with thirty soldiers aiming their weapons at him while they waited for orders from his superiors. Nicola shrugged back, looking at Rhicina. "I can't say it's good to meet you again, branch master." Nicola told her.

"It looks like you can't get enough of getting into trouble." She said waving her hand at the soldiers to leave, but they continued and looked at General Scar who also nodded allowing them to walk away. "What's in it for me again boy? You're giving me the free pass out of that office and the paperwork, but I must remember that you shouldn't call me unless it's really important." She advised.

He got up and asked her to go to a private location before speaking. They entered the commander's tent and Rhicina again activated his spell that made it impossible for people to overhear their conversation. "I set up my own base and created an independent force." He started, "But I'm sure you already know that. Very well, I was attacked today and my base was completely destroyed." He said.

"This is your problem, boy, mobilizing a general to throw a tantrum is very serious, you should suffer severe punishment for that." General Scar said.

"Doesn't this guy learn? Maybe you should give him some tips to learn how to listen to everything someone has to say." Nicola pointed to the general while making the suggestion to Rhicina.

"Cheeky!" The general began to draw his sword before a space power locked his body in place.

"Maybe Nicola is not so wrong, finish listening to him, I have a bad feeling about this." Rhicina raised her voice some more.

"Well, as I was saying, I was attacked. By the Balta family, the one we met at the auction a few years ago. Apparently they are conspiring with the hidden demons, this type of thing is considered high treason as far as I know." Nicola spoke.

"This is a serious charge, do you have any evidence?" Rhicina asked Nicola already preparing herself for the confusion this was going to cause.