
The forest that was between the countries had strange places, many people managed to find hidden treasures, temples and buildings lost a long time ago. Nicola found some small buildings, but found nothing worthwhile in them, probably having been explored by others. The sun passed through the leaves and small rays of light were cast on the ground, creating a very comfortable dim atmosphere.

Beside him, Kin and Gin walked with weapons drawn, they were very close to reaching level 20, they were getting closer and closer to fairyland and Nicola intended the two of them to reach silver level cultivation sooner. As a way of having them safer for anything that could happen. Exploration in the forest ensured that they smoothly reached their current level and Nicola always at their side ensured their safety from afar.

During this time he only collected the body of humanoid magical beasts that could serve to be transformed into undead and labor power. Of course, silver level magical beasts were also well collected and transformed into a secret battle force, Nicola managed not only to return to the number of six silver level magical beasts but to increase their number by two more, totaling eight beasts at this level under his power. He had become a powerhouse at level 40 and his powers coming from the higher bloodlines provided him with an even easier match against beasts below his level.

The enemies helped him to learn more about his fully developed body and to work better on the power of his tails. Nicola's nine tails could move independently as he pleased. Even controlling the mana through them became possible, with this Nicola was able to practice his alchemy even more easily, as he could release the manifestation of the seven elements independently and with his other members work better for his final result.

The lack of recipes didn't stop him from creating some pills of his own, but the processes used can only be done by someone like him or a group of people working together. So it wasn't really worth selling these recipes at auctions, but as the pills will be sold for sure. Appearance Beauty Pill, Martial Detox Pill, Muscle Restoration Pill, Bone Strengthening Pill, these were all pills that would help cultivators.

But he also discovered pills and potions to attacks like pills that would trigger explosions of fire or lightning when charged with mana, like grenades, or even pills of light or shadow that could dazzle or bring that space into darkness.

Nicola worked hard to understand about creating pills, the growth of his learning made him understand better and gain some extra levels in his profession as an alchemist.

Like pills, they were usually made up of one or two main ingredients that would actually cause the pill's effect. The problem with alchemy was that these ingredients were not easily controlled to take the forms like pills, so to fully extract their medicinal power and stabilize their chaotic energy, auxiliary ingredients were used, which acted with this function at the time of mixing the pill.

He had realized that these pills had a very strong energy and resembled the essence of a magical beast core. A core essence surrounded by mana and compressed into one place. Pills normally lost some of their medicinal strength if left outdoors for too long, so in the cultivation world there were developed bottles and boxes for pill storage. But Nicola thought it was a waste of time, an idea had crossed his mind and that was exactly what he was testing right now.

With his studies in other professions Nicola had learned a lot about training. Seeing the pills lose their medicinal strength Nicola proposes to write mana-restraining formations on the surface of the pills so that they retain their collected medicinal effects without the aid of the medicinal bottles. It not only serves this purpose, it also adds other types of formations that would allow the medicinal content to be kept longer inside the user's body, or that would amplify the effects of damage pills.

Nicola was sitting in front of his alchemy furnace for some days. "Damn! I couldn't do it again. I wish the AI were here, it would be much easier to gather data on this experiment and it would result in fewer errors and less waste." Nicola was sorry for the pill that had turned to dust in the cauldron. He had tried to write runes from a mana containment array on the silver level healing pill surface.

But by imprinting the runes on a pill they would normally absorb the energy inside the pill to keep the formation stable and destabilize the relationship between the main ingredient and the auxiliaries, causing everything to turn to dust before it even managed to finish the formation.

Nicola tried unsuccessfully for several days, he didn't know that the problem was that the array and the pill had totally different energies, and that's why they were in conflict to become dominant. It wasn't until he lost a few hundred gold coins in ingredients that he discovered this flaw. To correct this mistake Nicola had decided to cook the pill and write the array runes at the same time.

Unlike artifacts where formations could be written after constructing the object, with the pills it was more complicated as the main ingredient needed to be connected with the formation, creating layers from the inside out, without interfering with its medicinal power and creating a flow of a single mana that merged the two creations into one.