Bat Ape opponent fight (Part 1)

The man's face was deformed very similar to a bat, he had wide ears and small eyes, accompanied by a large jaw that seemed to be able to expand more than necessary. Having fought these creatures in the jungle before, Nicola knew that this trait was possessed by some Bat Apes who had the ability to launch great sonic roars towards the enemy. But he also already knew his weakness.

The ears were their weak point, despite being very strong and powerful, they had bad eyesight and moved through the echolocation depending on the sounds around. And Nicola would take advantage of that against his enemy.

Once the referee authorized the start of the match the Giant Monkey did not wait to attack first, many spectators expected Nicola to be defeated early on quickly and almost everyone had bet on his defeat quickly, and the few who bet on his victory bet that he it would take a long time to defeat the enemy.

Except for Nicola himself who used this opportunity to make a big profit and bet a lot of money on a win in less than five minutes. The betting shop clerk thought that Nicola's bet was amusing, but fulfilled his obligation and placed the bet on the books, handing Nicola the receipt for his bet to be withdrawn later, if he won.

Nicola was aware that hiding his abilities during all these rounds, many were going to take him for an underdog who was lucky to get this far and would lose for sure. All of this was designed to make the most profit possible. He had implemented the most profitable tactics he possessed of himself, whether acquired in this world or brought from the Earth as the art of war he gave Tuatha to read, in which he would make the enemy believe he had little strength to knock him out, with a quick and effective blow with no room for reaction.

The gorilla was still coming towards him very quickly, the giant body was reinforced with thunder mana, making his speed not fall far short of other specialists in his level.

But for the first time Nicola showed his skills and weapons, from his space ring he pulled out the dagger of wind and thunder as he prepared to react.

'Sin Fox Song Style, first movement form, Bolero Steps'.

An upbeat music began to play as Nicola seemed to take steps in the air while dodging his enemy's attacks.

While attacking with the dagger at high speed, missing most of the attacks, deceiving the great ape of his aim, leaving his guard open, it was not less than two minutes into the fight that Nicola launched his first trump, from his hands while attacking a small box fell close to his opponent's bat head, this box was nothing less than one of his creations using sound cores, modified to emit noise at ultrasonic frequencies.

"AAAAAAAAAH, I'm going to kill you, bastard!" The Bat Ape roared as its eardrums exploded and left it deaf and unable to locate Nicola in the arena. The elders of his clan around him frowned and also felt their ears hurt, but they weren't deaf as they were far enough away and able to protect themselves.

Nicola continued his attacks without responding to any provocation, some even noticing that his movements were calm, as if he had been in control of the situation from the beginning. He then activated the sin of wrath to increase his physical strength and launched his final attack, the five minutes were about to end and he was unwilling to lose a large amount of money.

'Sin Fox Song Style, third attack form, Canzione'

The dagger in Nicola's hand seemed to vanish as he increased his speed, the sound created by it was almost like a wind song, when the wind passes through certain hollows and produces a melody, the feeling caused by that sound was the same, the Nicola's hands moved like never before, landing attacks on the Bat Ape's body and causing him to flinch as he placed his arms crossed in front of his chest to avoid a crippling blow.

This reaction didn't make him realize that he was already dangerously close to the edge of the arena, when Nicola suddenly stopped his attack and waited for the monkey to regain focus. The opponent opened his mouth using the innate ability of his species, the sonorous roar. The Bat Ape's mouth opened enormously, triggering a roar that made the entire audience shut up at once.