
A soul constantly improved by leveling up, and upon reaching the gold level, a cultivator could train it independently. The sin of lust gave this ability to Nicola before its time and he can improve his soul to an average higher than his peers.

An improved soul has unlocked and enhanced his abilities. Nicola had not previously absorbed Thunder Heavenly Essence precisely for lack of his soul's ability to assimilate a fourth essence. The Fire Heavenly Essence was only assimilated because it was incomplete and would slowly grow within Nicola.

"AIs, bring Thunder Heavenly Essence here" The fairies responded quickly by dividing their tasks, while one changed Nicola's clothes, another cleaned the dirty area and quickly the essence was brought in front of Nicola.

Unlike the others, Thunder Heavenly Essence was shaped like a coiled dragon made purely of lightning, the dragon seemed unwilling to integrate with Nicola and reacted aggressively, but the AI ​​used the surrounding mana to restrict its movements.

Nicola approached touching the head of the energy form forcing it to enter in his body. Soon the three essences within Nicola's body joined in formations to integrate the new mate. Darkness was the best element in sealing and restraint techniques, earth has great defense and fire an incredible attack, with this combination Nicola didn't take long to absorb the new essence and form a planet covered with lightning in the form of dragons circling his surface.

"Phew" Nicola whistled "A lot happened quickly" He sat cross-legged on the floor and did something he hadn't done in a long time. 'Status' He thought.

Name: Nicola Kanata | Level: 48

Race: Bestial Tiefling [Septum Demon + Yako Kitsune]

HP: 2400/2400 | MP: 4800/4800

Class: Warlock [Maximum bloodline level achieved]

Professions: Peak Silver martial artist, Initial Golden Elemental Creator Scientist. (Profession created by merging previous professions. Gold level profession. Use stamp raised by special conditions caused by the host when merging knowledge without the help of the system)

Passive Skills: Hepta elemental affinity; half bestial senses; Half imperial aura; Mind complexity; Vitality field enhancement; Mineral field enhancement; Thermo-regulation;

Active Skills: Persuasion; Fox fire; Seven sins; Advanced regeneration; Demon servants [09/02]; Minor necromancy [500/1200], Major necromancy, Dagger intent.

Heavenly Essences assimilated: Darkness; Earth; Fire; Thunder.

As his soul strength increased, his mental ability to control lesser undead exponentially more than doubled, Nicola urgently needed a physical base or he would have to cut his working capacity in half to fit everyone inside the space artifact.

The amount of demon servants didn't increase, Nicola suspected that this ability was linked to his bloodline level, improving it in the future would get him more slots, or that's what he expected to happen.

Having discovered the method of making shields he couldn't stop there. His brain was full of ideas, so he quickly got back to work. The shield had the ability to shrink and expand its own size to the size of a pearl.

Nicola then spent another half month to produce another six shields and formed a set of seven hexagons arranged in the shape of a flower, which were attached to a shield of neck hidden in the back of your neck, from where they could be taken out quickly as an asset of defense. He didn't reform his daggers at the time as he wanted to turn them into gold-level equipment and was still going to develop a suitable design for a new set.

"Master! Experiment number 06 is breaking out. The demon snakes are being born!" The green fairy Midori warned Nicola that was still concentrating on his others experiments.

"Let's go there then." Nicola followed the fairy to another floor by a magic-powered elevator installed inside the tower, with all the money raised, some materials had been acquired for the improvement of the tower inside the space artifact that seemed to have become a modern earth building with lots of metal and glass. And the labs didn't differ much from those on Earth.