Another Date

After my argument with my mother, about if I should call Ejiro or not to hear his own side of the story. I finally went to bed, without calling him of course. There is no way in hell I'm using my phone to dial that cheater's number. He is the one at fault here, shouldn't he be the one calling me? Not like I care about his call, but still, let's be honest, isn't he supposed to be the one calling and begging me to give him a second chance? Not like he would be getting any from me.

And my mom is asking me to call him, I rather throw my phone across third mainland bridge, before I dial his number.

I came back from work the next day, and found my mother standing at the entrance of my apartment.

"Mummy good evening ma, why are you standing here?" I greeted her, as I came down from my car.

"You shouldn't have bothered coming down." she said to me, smiling.

There it was, her mischievous smile again. What has this woman been up to?

"Why shouldn't I come down from my car?"

"Because you are going out, didn't you get my text?"

I noticed she was blocking the door with her body, preventing me from going inside.

"I haven't checked my phone since I left the office."

"No problem, just turn around and get into your car, because you are going out."

"Going out? I just got back from work, and I'm very tired. I'm not going anywhere."

"Yes you are, because I already have a date set up for you."

You should have seen the look on my face when my mom said she has set up another date for me. What is wrong with this woman? What wrong have I done to her? Why can't she just leave me alone? Is it a crime to be single?

"Mummy I don't know what you are talking about, please I need to go inside."

My mother stood by the door, this time making it clear that she was preventing me from going inside.

"Mummy what is it now, why are you preventing me from going inside?"

"You have a date, and you have to get going now, oya start going."

"What date again? I haven't recovered from the last one you set me up with, now you have set up another one? Mummy please give it a break, I'm only single, I did kill someone."

"Louisa, you have a date by 6pm, so you have to get going now, you don't want to be late."

"Mummy if this is about me going to listen to mr Ejiro's lies, then you might as well just forget about it, because I'm not talking to that man."

"I'm not talking about Ejiro, this is someone else, and you are going to like him." She smiled.

"I don't care if I'm going to like him or not, I'm not going anywhere. I'm tired and I need to rest."

"You see this attitude of yours, that's why you are still single, you go to work and stay there all day, then you come back home and hide here until the next day, and you repeat the same process. How is a man going to see you, ehn? When you barely go out?"

Who told my mom I don't go out? Who has she been talking to? Definitely the wrong person because, I am a party junkie.

I agree I have been a little sobber since I and Adams broke up, but still, that doesn't mean I'm an indoor kind of person.

"Mummy please can we have this conversation inside? I'm really tired I need to sit down."

"No, because the moment you get inside, you won't agree to go on your date. Now go sit in your car, and drive down to your date. I already texted you the address."

I ignored her, and tried to move past her, but she stood astride, with her hands on two sides of the door.

"Mummy leave my way o, I don't want to push you o."

"Try it na, just try and push me, then I will call my family in the village, and tell them that you fell me, and then you would have to kill a cow!"

I tried to pass beneath her, but she quickly bent down, and pushed me, making me stumble a little. Who would have thought my mom still possessed so much strength?

I was trying to regain my balance when one of my nosy neighbors came around.

"Is everything okay? I couldn't help but noticing you both from my apartment." she pointed to her own side of the building.

"My daughter here has refused__"

"Emmm, nothing is wrong, I was just playing a game with my mom. Thank you for your concern."

This lady has always been trying to get herself in my business, since I moved in here. And I'm not about to give her that satisfaction.

"Are you sure?" She asked trying to linger still.

My mom quickly decoded her type, and told her off. "She already told you we are playing games, which one is are you sure inside again?"

"Sorry ma I didn't__"

"It's okay we know you were only trying to be a good neighbor, you can go back to your house."

My mom shooed her off, like a busy body that she was.

"Now if you don't want all your neighbors to gather for us, I suggest you start going for that date."

Knowing my mom wasn't going to give up until I go for that date, I decided to oblige her.

"And you had better go o, I will call Emekus to find out if you actually went."

Emekus, what sort of name is that? I got into my car and drove out.

Luckily for me, the restaurant my mom had set up the date wasn't too far, and in thirty minutes, I was already at the place.

I was trying to figure out where this Emekus guy would be be sitting, since I didn't have any idea of what he looked like, neither did I have his number to call him with.

I was standing by the entrance of the restaurant, when I heard someone screaming my name from the extreme, making everyone at the restaurant including me, to turn and look at the source.

I saw a weird looking guy, in some sort of weird glasses, waving at me. Still standing confused because I don't know who the guy was, he then said the name I was hoping he wouldn't, "it's me, Emekus."

What sort thing is this? Exhaling heavily, I walked over to where he was sitting, because everyone in the restaurant were already staring at me, wondering why I was still standing, just looking.

"Hi Louisa, it's me Emekus, your boyfriend."

Whose boyfriend? Oh God please help me through this date!