Being Spiteful

I was speechless for what seemed like a whole minute, as I stared at Adams and his wife standing beside me.

Adams was the last person I expected to run into, especially not in a place like this. And he is here with his wife.

Is he trying to spite me, or something? Because I don't understand why he would come say hello to me, we are not friends, because we didn't part ways in exactly a friendly manner. So why couldn't he just have looked the other way, when he saw me? I have seen him several times since we broke up, and I have never gone to say hello, because I don't see any need in doing that, when I'm still trying to heal from what he did to me.

"Louisa nice to see you, what are you doing here?" He asked me, smiling.

Please who is smiling with him? If he knows how much I hate him, he wouldn't even come near me with a ten foot pole, talk more of coming to say hello.

"To buy tomatoes." I replied, with no iota of smile on my face.