
I placed my head on Miriam's laps, as I continued to cry, while Miriam consoled me. She didn't say a word, all she did was smooth my hair, and pat my back.

I cried for a while, saying all the things I hated about Adams, and all bad things I want to do to him when next I saw him, so he could understand how much he has hurt me.

After a while, my crying changed to sobs, and then I was calm. Miriam continued to soothe my hair with her hands.

We both remained quiet, even after I had stopped crying. And after a while, I sat up, cleaning my tears and bracing up.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this." I apologized when I realized I had wet her skirt with my tears.

Miriam looked at me, like I had suddenly grown two heads, "Lou what are you talking about? You don't have to apologize, it's totally okay to__"

"Did you bring the catalog of wedding dresses, you said you were going to bring for us to choose from?"