Being There For Each Other

Louisa's POV

I was about to go to bed that evening when I received a call from Blessing, it was a conference call. 

"Good evening everyone." I greeted as I answered the call.

"Good evening Lou how are you?" Blessing asked me.

"Lou good evening, how are you feeling today?" Laurel asked me. 

"I'm doing better now, how have you girls been?"

"Lou sorry I haven't reached out to you since, I have just been going through a lot recently." Miriam apologized to me.

"It's okay Miriam I understand, how are you? Have your wounds healed?" 

"Well um-um, not really." Miriam responded, her voice didn't sound like she was okay.

"Miriam are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine, sort of."

"Miriam are you sure you are okay? You sound like you have been crying. Were you crying before we called?" Blessing asked her.

Miriam didn't respond, instead she started crying.