Not All Are Bad

Blessing's POV

They all held me tightly in a hug. 

"Sorry you had to experience that, everything is going to be all right."

"Thank you so much girls." I said to them.

"Blessing I think you should report this to your church authority, that monster has to be stopped only God knows how many more ladies he plans on doing this to?" Miriam said to me.

"No I don't want to." I said shaking my head.

"Yes Blessing you have to tell him, only God how many girls he has already done it to in the past, you have to speak up." Louisa said.

"Blessing if you come out and tell the church authority the type of person that he is then you would be doing a lot of ladies a favor, because you are preventing them from experiencing what you just went through." Miriam said to me.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that, because I'm very sure they are not going to believe me."