Church Girl

Bankole's POV

"Sorry I came late, the..."

I stopped her from apologizing for the second time.

"It's okay, I haven't been here long myself."

I stood up to help pull out a chair for her to sit. I could see the way her chest heaved, it was as if she was a bit nervous, and I didn't want her to feel that way around me, so I gave her a smile for her to relax.

"Thank you." She sat down and I went back to my seat.

"So how was your day?" I asked her.

"It was okay, same old, same old, how was yours?"

"It was okay, I gave the perfume to my sister and she loved it."

"Oh I'm glad she did."

"I still have you to thank for that."

A notification popped up on my phone, I checked it and saw it was a message from my colleague, she was having difficulty with something regarding work and needed my assistance. I typed a quick response and sent it to her.