
Blessing's POV

The man held tightly to my waist, and I felt assaulted.

"See Oga put me down this minute, don't worry I will follow you. So put me down!"

I was pissed that the man was carrying me like a common criminal, people who were coming out of the supermarket were already staring at us.

"Oga I said put me down now!"

The man must of have heard the anger in my voice because he placed me down.

"You had better not try to run away again." The security guard said to me.

I scoffed as I tried to rearrange my hair.

"See Mr Man if you don't put me down this minute I am going to bite you!" I heard Laurel screaming from behind us.

The security man carrying her, finally decided to put her down and she kept cussing at him as she walked up to me.

The security men led us to the manager of the supermarket's office. The manager was a young man in his thirties.