
Aminu's POV

My week was a very busy and hectic one. My mother was already getting better and would be returning back to the country. And I have been making arrangements for her, making sure everything medical attention she would need when she returns is in place.

When the weekend came I couldn't be happier because I wanted to rest.

I was in my kitchen trying to figure out what to have have for breakfast, there was no food in my freezer and I was too tired to cook, I was thinking of ordering for food when my phone rang.

"Good morning baby." I answered the phone in a cheerful voice, happy to be hearing her voice.

"Good morning Aminu, did I wake you up? You sound like you just woke up."

"Umm no you didn't, though I just woke few minutes ago, how are you?" I closed my fridge after finding nothing to eat, save for the chocolates Ruby left there the last time she was here.

"I'm okay." She replied, I could hear car honks in the background.