Is She Worth It?

Bankole's POV

"Are you going to just leave? Isaiah we aren't even done talking yet." I called after Isaiah as he walked away.

He paused and then turned around walking back to our table. "As far as I'm concerned, we are done talking!" His nostrils were flaring from anger.

"Isaiah don't you think you being too harsh about this?"

He chuckled, "too harsh you say? My best friend is telling me to my face that he is interested in dating a girl that broke my heart, and he says I'm too harsh for trying to walk away from the conversation." He spoke in a very sarcastic tone.

"Isaiah you need to calm down and let's talk this through."

He spread out his arms, "oh I'm calm, I'm as calm as I can be. But I'm done talking about this."

"Isaiah you are overreacting, to think you didn't even want to talk to me about it in the first place, I was the one who brought this issue to you, so I really don't know why you acting this way."