Done Feeling Guilty

Blessing's POV

As I angrily walked out of the restaurant, I could feel Banks's eyes on my back and the people seated close to us were also staring at me, but I didn't care.

I was angry at him for trying to judge me because of a silly mistake I made years ago. If I didn't tell him about it and had stuck to the original plan Isaiah had suggested, would he have known?

I got into my car and angrily drove home, when I got there I was shocked to see Isaiah standing at my door.

What was he doing there? How on earth did he even to know my address?

I slowly got down from my car, as I thought about how to handle the situation. I wasn't in a good mood and God knows that if he said anything to annoy me, I was definitely going to give him back in double fold.

He had his hands in his pockets and was looking intently at me as I slowly walked up to him.

"Hello Isaiah, what a surprise to see you at my door." I said with a forced smile.