Making Out Time

Louisa's POV

Two hours before closing time my boss walked into my office to ask me to do an urgent project for a client, the deadline is today and I have to finish up with the job before I can go home. I wanted to complain but before I even had the chance to do that, she already left my office.

Now it's closing hour but I'm still in my office trying to finish up with the work, sometimes I feel like hitting my boss with my shoe, but I'm not ready to be jobless so I will wait until I get another job.

A knock comes on my door, "Yes come in," I call out with my eyes still focused on the website I'm working on. I hear the sound of the door opening but no one enters, I look up and saw the door opened halfway with Aminu poking his head into my office. A smile immediately spread across my face, no matter how tired or stressed out I am, once I see my man I'm happy, nothing else matters.