
Louisa's POV

I made sure to finish early from work so I can meet up with Segun at his office, he already sent me the address and also a link to his website I have already gone through it and I have seen the things that need to be changed. From what I found out when I googled the company, it's a big one with about 100 staff, when I searched for the CEO the name that came out wasn't Segun's name. I found that strange because while we were talking he kept mentioning that it is his company. Maybe he is the manager, he is probably managing it for the owner.

On my way leaving the office I ran into my boss, "good evening ma," I greeted her as I waited for the elevator to open.

"Hello Louisa, are you leaving already?" She asked me with a coy smile, I know she was about to ask me for something at the office so I quickly frowned, I'm not ready to work overtime today, I have some extra cash I need to secure.

"Yes ma'am, I'm done with work already."