
Louisa's POV

After having the take-out I got from the restaurant, I decided to give Aminu a call and find out if he was back, with what he told me his flight was supposed to have gotten to Lagos by now. I dialed his number twice but he didn't pick up, I sent him a text up if he was back and then went upstairs to have my bath.

I just finished taking my bath and was stepping out of my bathroom when I heard my phone ringing, I padded across my bedroom my wet legs wetting the floor as I went to pick my phone from the bed, Aminu was the one calling me.

"Hello babe, how was your trip?" I asked him.

"Hey baby, it was okay. Are you home?"

"Yes, why?"

"I'm at your door, please come open the door for me," he said before ending the call.

I finished drying my body and threw on a robe before going downstairs to open the door for him.

"Oh baby," he pulled me in for a tight hug, "hmm you smell nice," he said with his face in the crook of my neck.