It Won't Happen Again

Aminu's POV

"Sir you have a delivery," My cook said to me as she came into my home office.

"Okay, I will come to get it in a minute," I wiped my palm across my face as I took a deep breath. After my mom left with Ruby, I decided to force myself into concentrating and getting some work done and I have been working for the past two hours.

I pushed my chair back and stood up to go get my delivery.

"Mr. Aminu, please sign here," the delivery guy said to me as he handed me a pen and a paper for me to sign, before handing me the package.

"Thank you," I said to him as I collected the package from him.

I went back to my office and opened it, and the beautiful diamond engagement ring sat in the velvet box staring at me, my heart sank because I might never get to give it to the person I had in mind when I requested for it to be made.