
Louisa's POV

"We are going to have dinner at the beach?" I asked Aminu in a surprised tone. 

He turned to look at me briefly with a smile on his face before turning to face the road. 

"Yes, we are going to have dinner at the beach. Last time I recalled you love the beach right?"

"Of course I love the beach." 

"Yeah, so I decided we have our dinner at the beach instead of a restaurant."

"Hmm okay, I'm loving this," I said with excitement. I love the beach and I have always fancied having a dinner date by the beachside under the open night sky with the water from the beach splashing against my legs. 

After some minutes we arrived at a private beach which I'm very sure Aminu must have paid heavily for the manager to allow us to have it to ourselves for the night. Aminu came down from the car and opened my door for me.