This Must Be A Joke

"Do you have any pregnancy test kit at home?" Laurel asked me in a calm voice.

"Yes," I answered in a shaky voice as I stood up from the bed and went into my bathroom to get the test strip I kept in my bathroom cabinet. Blessing and Laurel followed me.

Oh God, please, I can't get pregnant yet; I am not ready, not now; I silently prayed as we all waited to see the result; I closed my eyes, asking Laurel and Blessing to please tell me the result.

"Please tell me it's something I can take," I pleaded, my whole body shaking from fear. Laurel started laughing, "open your eyes, jor," she said.

"It's negative?" I asked with a bit of relief as I opened my eyes.

"Nope, it's positive, congratulations girl, you are about to become a mother and me, an aunt!" Laurel said, smiling. I looked at Blessing, and she slowly nodded, confirming my fears. I collected the test strip from Laurel's hand and saw that she wasn't lying; I am indeed pregnant!