Yami says to Hikari "Hey, how if we try it this way?" Then Yami tells Hikari what on his mind.

Neu was walking to a market near his house. Then he saw Nimura. He saw Nimura was thinking about something. It causes him was worried about it. He calls Nimura from afar. When Nimura hears it, He just ignores Neu and runs away. Neu was so shocked because it was for the first time Nimura acted like that. Even for the years that they have spent together as a member of Hitaku. He has never seen Nimura like that. So he was thinking that it must be something with Hikari too.

Neu wants to ask Hikari about it. But he does things that he wants to do first.

He entered the market and suddenly he meets with one of the hacker's members from a group that Hikari bought them. The hacker asks Neu "Well, can you recognize me?" Neu looked at that hacker.

"Seriously, I don't remember who are you or I haven't met you before?"

The hacker just can't believe it. He tries to make Neu remember it. But Neu just can't remember it. Because of that, The hacker tells Neu about her name.

"It's me, Ageru Takeshi. What in the world that you can't remember me. I thought that all of you can remember me easily."

After Ageru tells Neu about her name. Neu finally remembers it. "Oh, you're a person that Nimura-" Suddenly Ageru asks Neu a question.

"Stop it right there, I actually have a question for you. But I hope you will understand the situation."

Ageru showed Neu a picture of a message from her phone. Neu looked at it and read it. Neu asks Ageru "Wait, don't tell me.... you and Nimura..." Ageru quickly disagrees with it. Then she told Neu to read the message. The message is about Nimura's parents that told him to leave them because they say everything that he does with them is useless. So they have a better place for him to join. Because it was his parents' decision, Nimura just gets along with it.

Neu was so shocked when he read that. However, he was so weird when he saw Nimura's message on the Ageru phone. Neu asks Ageru "Before we're going more further, I think I should ask you. How in the world that this is on your phone?"

Ageru tells Neu that she didn't have any feelings for Nimura. She says to Neu that she did that because they have the same family names. So she just wants to make sure of something. Neu didn't too sure about what did Ageru tell him. He has a feeling of doubt about Ageru and Nimura. Neu didn't really care about it, he also didn't know Ageru like his friends before. But because Ageru was begging him for it. He doesn't have any choice but to help her. It was for their own good too. So Neu tells Ageru that he will help her. Ageru was so happy when she heard it. Then she says to Neu.

"So, you're going to help me? Thanks! Well, what do you want from this store? I buy it for you as my thanks." .

Neu rejected it, he says to Ageru "It was all okay, you do not need to do that. Because well, he was one of our group too. I have-" When Ageru hear that, without waiting for Neu to ends his words. She says to Neu "If you keep rejecting it, Then I will tell them that you do sexual harassment to me. So, all of them will search for you and eliminate you." At first, Neu didn't think about it too seriously. But when he reminded of what did happen back then. He just accepts it to avoiding from making any enemies.

After they did buy the things that they want from the store, Ageru says to Neu that she wants to talk with him while walking to his home. Neu says to Ageru "Hey, isn't it was dangerous for a girl to walk alone in this time?" Ageru shook her head. She asks Neu "Who says that I'm going to walk alone?"

When Neu hears that, he quickly asks Ageru "No, if you want to discuss it at where did I live. Then I'm going to reject it!" Ageru was so weird with it. She asks Neu "Of course I will not sleep with you. I just want to walk together with you and discuss that. So, we can start our plan the other day." Neu Understand it then he just walks to his home followed by Ageru.

When they were walking, Neu asks Ageru "Hey, why did you start your plan now? I mean why you didn't start this earlier? Because I mean maybe you have a lot of free time." Ageru shooked her head. She says to Neu "Actually, I don't have any free time. There were a lot of things that we need to do. But suddenly Hikari got an email from an unknown person. He told Hikari to investigate something. So while he was investigating those things. He told me to take this week as a holiday and replace his place here." Neu was so weird because Hikari told a girl to replace him even there were a lot of people that can do it. However, Neu asks Ageru "Wait, Didn't you just say that Hikari was investigating something? Did you really mean it? I mean by investigating. Just who is actually him?" Ageru didn't tell Neu about it. She says "Well, you guys just started to get to know who was him. But did you know? Even he didn't know who and why did he be alive in this world. He didn't tell you that he was in a search of a true him?"

Neu was so confused with what did Ageru says. But when he was going to ask Ageru about it, Suddenly they meet with Nimura on the street. Ageru quickly calls Nimura and asks him to talk. Nimura looked at her, but when he saw Neu was there too. He rejects it by saying "Sorry, but I have important things that I need to do." Then he just walked away. Ageru didn't chase him. Because she gets an idea from that.

Then she says to Neu "Well, we will separate from here. You can return to your home. I will return to my home too. Don't worry about it." Then Ageru goes away. So Neu just returns to his place. When Neu was taking a rest, suddenly he got a message from Hikari. Hikari asks him.

"So, are the things there was all okay?"

"Hey, Hikari. What in the world that you're going to investigate!?! Why you didn't tell us about it!?"

"Calm down. So she tells you about it? Well, Suddenly I got an email that told me to investigate these things. So, I just get along."

"Hm... Well, it can't be helped. I don't know who is really you neither. So, when will your investigation ends?"

"Of course, it takes 1 week as did she told you. She will stay there."

"You dumb. What in the world that you're thinking by sending 1 woman to replace you? Even both of us was a guy. The people may think something worst you know!"

"It's because I want to send someone that can understand Nimura and the only one who can figure something out. So, I swap my mission with her. Because they said this mission is good for me."

After that, Neu didn't respond it then he takes a rest for a day because he was too tired.

When he woke up, he saw Ageru was sitting beside his bed. He quickly gets up and asks Ageru "Hey, how did you know where did I live?"

Ageru didn't believe it when Neu says that. Then she says "Remember the things that Hikari give to you?" Neu looked at his phone, then he remembered it. However, he still has a question for Ageru. "Wait a minute, how did you enter my room?" Ageru smiled at Neu and says "Well, maybe you should repair something. But let's talk about our plan first." Neu looked at his door and he saw the lock at his door was broken. He just wondering how weird can Ageru go more than Hikari or maybe all of them were so weird.

Neu asks Ageru "So, what is your plan to do that?" then Ageru showed Neu one map on her phone. Ageru says to Neu "Today, Nimura and his friends are going here. So, we're going there and meet them. But we should act that it looks like we were stumbled upon him by accident. Did you get it?" Neu understands the plan. But before Ageru going to talk with Neu more further. Neu asks Her "Don't tell me that you hacked his phone and read his message for this." When Ageru hears that, she says to Neu that was the only way for them to meet with Nimura and talk about it. Neu didn't comment anything about it and just hear about Ageru's plan.

"So, you will start from here and follow him from behind. When he stopped here, I walk from another way and act like I just walked there and found him. You just walked ahead and do the same as me. I don't want to walk together because he will think that both of us were discussing something. By that, he maybe will find out that Hikari was sending me there to help him. That's why we're going to do it this way."

Neu understands it then he says to Ageru that he will stick to the plan as what did she told him to do. but Neu was so weird Hikari was too serious about Nimura. So he asks Ageru because he was thinking that maybe she knows the point. "But before we're going to do this. Can you tell me why did Hikari be too serious about this until he needs your help?" Ageru turned off her phone and she asks Neu a question "Didn't you know, he. Hikari is always like that. When the people talking about him, they were thinking that Hikari was nothing but trash. They always talk bad things about Hikari because what did they know. Hikari is a bad person. He was bad at anything in front of their eyes. But the fact is, He isn't like what did all of them thought. They didn't stand with Hikari until the end of everything. they didn't even understand his feelings. that's why they're saying that. But for us, The people who really understand him. He was kind of different people than people that they talked about. Hikari never forces us to understand him. But he just says to us that, even us will know who was him or we didn't. He didn't really care about it. But as long as the things that he does for us can make us happy. He didn't worry about it. But he tells us once, that he didn't want to lose us. his friend. because that was hurt him more than anything. So, that's why." Neu didn't ask any further about it then he gets ready to do the plan.

Before Ageru going out, she says to Neu "On this case, I was relying on you too. So, please help me." Neu nods his head and says "Of course, I can do this. You do not need to worry about it. Just leave everything to me!" After Ageru hears that, she just leaves and waiting for Neu.

When Ageru was waiting for Neu outside his house, Hikari messaged her

"Well, I hope Neu isn't going to do something with you. Because well, you're a girl."

" If he does something to me. What will you do?"

"Hm... I don't really care about it. Just what will your fans do if they saw it?"

"Isn't this telling me that you said you didn't love reality the same as me?"

"Stop it, I don't have any time to talk this with you. see ya."

Ageru turned her phone off and says by herself "Just who and how will the Second True One will be founded if he keeps acting like this?" Suddenly Neu asks her "What did you talk about me with him?" Ageru turned back and saw Neu was reading her message with Hikari all that time.

Ageru was so shocked and she asks Neu "How long did you standing over there?!" Then Neu says " Just after when did I done preparing." Because Neu was ready for it, Ageru says to Neu "So, let's go. We can't waste a time anymore." Neu just looked at her and says "Ok, getting knowledge about what did both of you say about me is just a waste. let's go..." Ageru saw Neu turned down by that. But she doesn't know how to cheer Neu's up. So they just go to the place.