They keep talking about it. But when they're talking about it. Suddenly Hikari got a call from Sabu-sama. Hikari answers the call and Sabu-sama asks him "Hey, How with it? Are all of you alright? I'm worried about all of you. Ya know?" Hikari never expects those words from Sabu-sama Because they never heard him says something like that. So Hikari says to him "We're having some trouble here. So, maybe we will not return for a time being." Then Sabu-sama stopped talking. But they still on the call. Hikari didn't put it down since he was thinking that maybe Sabu-sama had a problem there. So he just waiting for it.

Neu asks Hikari "To who that you're talking? is it Sabu-sama?" Hikari nods his head telling him that it was true. Hikari says to Neu that it seems like he was having a problem there. hearing that from Hikari, Neu was thinking that it must because they still not return there yet. Hikari didn't sure about it because he was thinking that maybe Sabu-sama has a friend to help him.

Then Nimura says to them "I don't know what did both of you talking about. But I don't think we should take a risk to go there. We don't know what will happen next." Hikari and Neu agreed with it. Suddenly Sabu-sama asks Hikari "Hey, how if you report everything that just happened there to me. Maybe I can lend you some help from here." Hikari didn't want to give a burden on him since everything that just happened is because of him. So he rejects it and says to Sabu-sama "I don't think that I should put you in my problems too. I don't want to put anyone in danger anymore. It's enough with what just happened in my life."

"If that so. But, I have something that I want three of you to do it. This is another task that I have for the three of you."

Hikari understands it. Then he asks Sabu-sama the details about it.

"But, for this one. It's either you will do it or not. I don't know where did I got this. When I looked at what did just happened. I saw that you and Neu can do this."

"Then, what should Nimura do?"

"He should just wait for both of you. This time, I begging in both of you only. I don't think the other guy that I know can do this."

Because Sabu-sama was saying something like that, Hikari just accepts it. But Hikari told Sabu-sama to wait for a little longer since their problem is still not finished. Sabu-sama says to Hikari that he shouldn't be worried about it. He can just wait for them. since their problem looks like it was more important.

Hikari thanked and feel sorry for Sabu-sama because they can't help him. Sabu-sama says to Hikari that he shouldn't say that. because he just joined them and Sabu-sama says that things have not just started yet. then Sabu-sama ended the call.

At that time, Hikari says to Nimura and Neu "Sorry, I think that when I started to join this. I just get everyone into my problems." Nimura disagrees with it. He says to Hikari that it isn't him who started the problem. But it was who that targeting him without reasonable cause. Neu agrees with Nimura. Hikari just smiled when he heard that. He says to them "Both of you, thanks. I'm glad that I meet with both of you."

When they're talking about that, suddenly they heard Ageru, Ayasa, and Aimi voices.

"Hey, hold on there. We shouldn't let them know that we're looking on them."

"Then stop pushing me!"

"But did you know that they're looking at us?"

Ayasa and Ageru looked at Hikari and saw that they're looking at them. Hikari asks them "What are you doing? Stalking on us?" Ayasa comes ahead and says to Hikari "Of course, not. let's eat. The food gonna get cold if you don't eat it now."

Because it was all ready, Hikari says to them " You can go. I think that I have something to do." Ageru understands it and it same with Aimi. But Ayasa says to Hikari "Hey, wait a minute. We cook this for all of us. So we should eat it together." When Hikari hears that. he gives a glad smile to Ayasa. Ayasa was so weird with it. She quickly asks Hikari "W-What are you smiling at?!? It's not like I'm practicing to live together with you to something. More of it, I never think that will happen!!" Hikari just keeps smiling and says "You, you remind me of someone else." Ayasa asks Hikari about who that he was talking about. But Hikari didn't tell Ayasa about it and he just goes away.

Hikari goes to a room that he plays a game with Aimi and Ayasa. He sits on the sofa in that room and enters the Quantum memory.

. . . . . . .

When Hikari inside Quantum's memory, Yami asks Hikari "It seems like you have decided something." Hikari tells Yami that it was true. But he says to Yami that maybe he shouldn't rush on it. Yami agreed with it. Yami says to Hikari "So, the story about you and them must be longer than what did we thought. maybe some of the people forgot about you. But maybe fate will bring all of us together once again." Hikari just nods his head and keep believing that it would happen someday. Hikari says to Yami "I've always wanted that to happen. Sometimes, I was thinking that it must be fun if we're all together again. even they forgot about me, about everything that we do together. I still believe that we can create another one."

Yami never heard Hikari talk about that. He sometimes just can't believe it. Because Hikari always has someone that will help him. No matter what kind of things happen in his life. But he remembers that the person who Hikari was talking about is also taking a part in their battle. Yami understands it. He says to Hikari "I hope that you will meet with them once again. So that will make you happy."

Hikari was so shocked when he heard that from Yami. Hikari just smiled, then he tells Yami that he also the part of him. Hikari loses his memories from a long time ago and Yami has his memories from that time. It's all thanks to Yami, He remembers what happens in the past. Even they're opponents at first. For Hikari, Yami is still him and he is still Yami.

Hikari asks Yami "Hey, I have a question." Since it looks like Hikari was so serious about it. Yami just hears on it.

"What should you do if you loved someone?"

"Huh, why with all of the sudden. Oh my, Hikari. Don't tell me that you...."

"It's not like that!!! I just ask you this because-"

"Remember what did Syurihata says to you? No matter what did happen in our life. We must step forward and face it by ourselves. But more of it, stop your dere-dere mode."

Hikari knows that Yami can hear after his thoughts. But he doesn't want everything to happen like this. He wants to make everything a secret. So no one will spoil the content of their life. Hikari says to Yami "About that, I can't help about it. I'm myself. No one can be me even that person is you." Yami laughed then he told Hikari to get out from there. He says to Hikari "Everything is still far away. But even so, I know that you will face everything. Either it was impossible or not. So, you must believe in what decision that you will do. Because you are you. The only Light (Hikari) for a people that precious to you."

Hikari smiled then says to Yami "Thanks, so. See ya. I just think that some of them maybe will worry about me if they saw me like I just fainted." When Yami hear that. He just laughed and says "I don't think they're that dumb. So, see ya. Hikari." Hikari nods his head when he gets out from there.

. . . . . . .

When Hikari opened his eyes, He saw Aimi and Ayasa were holding the first aid. They say "What should we do to save him?? It seems like this gonna be serious." But Ageru says to them that they just didn't understand what Hikari was doing. Because of the situation were like that, Hikari gets up and says "What did both of you are planning to do?"

Aimi and Ayasa looked at him and says "Eh, you're alright?" Hikari just stares at them. Then Ageru says to them "As what did I said. He was okay. He just..." Suddenly Hikari gets into the talk and says to them "But, why don't you just check my heartbeat?! Did you think I am going to die like that? My story is still far away!!!"

They apologize to Hikari about what did just happened. But they still weird about it. So they ask Hikari about it.

"But, what did you do just now? We sometimes see you like this. Did you have any problems?"

Hikari told them that they shouldn't be worried about it. It just a little problem. But they didn't trust Hikari about it. So they told Hikari to tell them the truth. Even with the words from them, Hikari says to them "It was nothing to worry about. I'm okay." Because Hikari was saying that. They didn't ask Hikari about it anymore. Hikari saw they were down because of that. He was out of the idea to make them normal. Ageru saw it, So she told Ayasa and Aimi to follow her and leave Hikari alone there for the time being. Ageru says to them "Hikari maybe have something that he needs to think about it. So, both of you come with me."

After they go away, Hikari takes a deep breath and try to keep calm. Hikari says by itself "Maybe my story is still far away. Either the ending is good or not. Even when facing it I will lose something while on it. I will never forget about them. I've always wanted to makes all of them happy by myself and maybe in this way, it will make them happy." Yami agreed with Hikari since he knows that Hikari is always like that. He says to Hikari "Then, don't lose your hope." Hikari just smiled when he heard that. So, he goes to the others.

when he was walking to the others, he heard Ageru voices were talking with them

"That's enough. So, about Hikari. He can enter the place known as Quantum memory. To go there, He only can connect his mind with it. which means it looks like Hikari's soul was separated from his body and go to another place. But it's not like that. So you do not need to worry about it."

since Ageru knows Hikari better than them. They just understand it. Then Hikari goes to them and asks them "Hey, stop it right there. I thought you're not going to tell them about it." Ageru thought that Hikari just doesn't know how to tell them about it. so she just tells them about it. Ageru says to Hikari "Don't worry, I'm always here by your side. No matter what happens. Because I know more about you and that same goes as Akaru."

Hikari didn't surprise with a word from Ageru. He says to Ageru "Isn't that was a thing that you always say to me?" Ageru suddenly stopped talking when she hears that. she thought that Hikari will forget about it. Because 6 years ago is when did he tell them about it. Hikari says to them when he tells them that he needs to leave them.

< 5 years ago..>

"Thanks, all of you. I really appreciate everything that you have done with me. But, I need to leave it. all of this. Even I will leave it, I will never forget about all of you. all of you, my friends are precious to me. So, I will never forget about all of you."

After hearing that from Hikari, Akaru comes ahead representing the others. He says to Hikari "No, don't worry. We will always with you. no matter what did happen in this world. Because you always tell us that you wanted to help us because we're your friends and all of your friends are a part of your life. don't you."

Hikari was so shocked when he heard that. he thought that everyone will never hear what did he says before. since he had an experience with his family before. But, he didn't want to talk about his family again since his family fails to understand him. Even after he killed all of them. Hikari just smiled at them and says "I will never forget about all of you. all of you are also my friends which means that you're a part of me. So, thank you."

Then Hikari leaves the place and goes away.

Hikari suddenly cried. Ageru was so shocked when she saw tears from Hikari. She quickly says to Hikari "You do not need to be like this!?! It's just little things you know?" Hikari shook his head. telling that he disagreed with it. He says to Ageru "All of you, my friends. Is more important than anything in my life. all of you're not little things for me. but, you're an important thing in my life."