"Sabu-sama says that he wants to do some project with all of us. But he never tells us what kind of project it is. So we just follow it. he tells us that this is just a powder that has been dyed into a black color. So there was "

Hikari didn't think if there was a weird thing behind it. But It sounds weird when it looks like Sabu-sama is always relying on them in everything. Maybe it was a part of the quest that Sabu-sama told them. But when thinking about it, it has been a long time since Sabu-sama tells them about what to do with that quest. Hikari just wondering what did happen with that quest or it was up to them to discover about the new quest? But it doesn't look like that is it. Are they need to find people that look like an NPC that will give a quest?

When Hikari was thinking about it, Yami says to him "Hey, stop thinking about that. Let's try to find out something about these things. Reality has nothing to be connected with the game. Both of these were different." Hikari understands that but isn't it seem like it was weird. They can just plan for a meeting near there and talk about it. But they told them to meet with him in a location that they told them to. But Hikari stopped thinking about that things and help them out to deliver that black flour. When Hikari was bringing it, he asks Neu "Looking at these things, Is that guy was going to set a stage for something?" Neu shook his head and tell Hikari that he didn't sure about it. It just at all of a sudden that Sabu-sama told them to do that. But if it was a stage, for what did they set that stage for? When they were walking forwards, Hikari saw the other people of the hackers were talking near there. It looks like they were discussing something. But since Hikari didn't get any information from Ageru or Akaru about it, he just ignoring them. He didn't think that they will have any serious situation.

When They meet with Sabu-sama, Sabu-sama tells them where did they need to keep that thing. Just after Hikari has done with it, Sabu-sama called him and says that he have something that he wanted to say. Hikari didn't think that it has something bad behind it, So he just goes for it.

They were standing in front of the stage. The place looks like they are going to do some event there. So Hikari asks Sabu-sama if there was actually an event they're going to do. But Sabu-sama says "That was not it. the reason why we are here is just to lend help to someone that I didn't really know. But just take it that it was a part of this quest." Hikari understands it but he asks Sabu-sama "Isn't it was dangerous for doing something like that? I me-mean... Maybe it was a dangerous person." Sabu-sama was so weird with the way Hikari was thinking. It looks like Hikari was so cautious about something. But when he started thinking about it again. He was thinking that maybe it was true. But they have started it, So they just need to proceed with it. Hikari was thinking that maybe it was okay if he could search around for a person but it just will make Neu and Nimura worried about it and he will make a rude there. So to avoid it happens, he takes up some time and tells Ageru and Akaru to watch the place.

But when he tried to contact them, There was no line in that area even a network. In that way, there was no way they can get in touch with Ageru or Akaru. For some reason, Hikari was thinking that there has something that interrupted it. If that was true then who is doing it? Hikari was idling for a long time, So Neu told him to help them out.

"It looks like he was in a trouble now. should we going to proceed now?"

"Well, how if we test him out with something else first?"

Suddenly the light there turned off. Hikari was carrying something and it causes him can't see anything. It was all out of black. Hikari uses a torchlight on his phone to look around and it same as the others. Sabu-sama says to them that they should get out of there. All of them agreed with it but he says to them that he left something important in that place before. Sabu-sama says to them that maybe he should take it while all of them were going outside. All of them agreed with it. But suddenly, Sabu-sama got a message from someone else that he needs to get outside for now with all of them. But that things were really important for him. So, Hikari comes ahead and says to Sabu-sama that he will take that thing and they should get out from there as soon as they can. Sabu-sama accepts it and he says to Hikari to make sure that the things that he is going to take will be okay.

Hikari accepts it and he goes to the location. When Hikari arrives there, That place has a transparent roof. So that place is not dark as what did he think. He saw something on the floor in the middle of that place. So he walked to it and going to take it up. the time he picked it up, Suddenly there was a man who appeared there. That man says to him "So, Aigami Hikari. I wonder how fun our game can go. Well, Since you're here. how if we test it out?"

Then the door around that place closed by itself and locked down. Hikari needs to keep that thing safe. He put that thing on the floor and asks that man "Just when did I look at your outfit. I just wondering about this. Are you one of the hackers? or I am wrong?" That man laughed when he heard that. It sounds like he was so happy Hikari asks him that question. That man walked to Hikari and asks him "Before we're going more further. Should I introduce you about my name? Too bad, but I think that you already know about me. Hm..... should we recall it back?" Hikari just looked at that man and he remembered something. It was a long time since that happen. It was about 6 years ago. Hikari stepped back and asks him "Kamihara, what do you want from me? Our conflict should have been ended a long time ago!"

Kamihara was so happy when Hikari remembered him. He clapped his hand and laughed.

"Hahaha, I never thought that I will meet you again- No, I never thought that we will reunite again. You, monster."

"Enough of this, I don't want to make any mess with any of you anymore! Just do whatever that you want. I will never make a war happens again. I'm enough of this!"

"do you think words that said just now can make all of your sins in the past be forgiven? It was no way that it will happen, you fake Light."