Chapter 1

That Monday morning was a bright sunny day. Emily ( the protognist of our story) was sitting in her classroom third last desk. she was enjoying the weather and scenario which was behind her classroom window. she was watching flowers and bees of her school garden through the window. Emily was now a teen she was 13 year old, she was optimistic, laborious, co- operative, intelligent and she had a great belief in God.She has many friends in her classroom.

In mid April some new comers were introduced in her class. One of the new comer was a girl Alice.

Emily was a kind attracted towards Alice. She noticed Alice for two three days. She saw that no one in class wants to become her friend and Alice was also not to much talkative. Alice always use to wear a cap also. One day in recess Emily was sitting with her friends Casey, Shirley, Jansie, Randy, Roary. She said to her friends that why? you all not talk to Alice. Look she is alone. She has no friends. Then Jansie her best friend said don't even think about that Emily. Emily said "why?". Jansie replied "Look we have listened about this girl from new comer. They said that she was a girl with curse. They told me that one boy was his friend but one day a fight occurred between them. After that day that boy was not seen anywhere." Then Shirley interrupted and said "look at that girl, she is so much weird, I never seen that girl even uttering a single word from her mouth." All these conversation was done in front of Mrs Morris, their class teacher. After listening their conversation Mrs Morris said that you children should not believe on hearsay. I think Alice is alone and you all should become her friend. No one was agreed except Emily.

Emily asked to her teacher that from where does these new comers came. She answered that they are from St. Andrew orphanage. She advised Emily friends to not think about the past but become her future. After that recess get over.

Next day, it was their mathematics class and teacher said all students to keep their protractor on desk.she will check. Alice forgot to bring protractor. She was asking other if they had extra protractor. Everyone nodded their head although they have extra protractor but they won't share with Alice.Then Emily gave her protractor. By this positive attitude of Emily their first phase of friendship started. Now, Emily and Alice use to sit together in class. But still Emily friends were ignoring her. Emily and Alice talk with each other in recess and substitute periods. Emily saw that Alice has miserable and destructive thoughts. Alice show her sketchbook to Emily. Emily noticed that their were no colours and they all were scene of accidents. Behavior and attitude of Alice was becoming weared day by day. Now, our protagonist wants some personal space which only gets with her old friends, she joined their company.

Next day,on Sunday morning Emily was sitting on her bed and looking towards her room window from where a the beam of sunlight was coming. Suddenly all her old friends call her downstairs but she didn't came. So, they rushed to upstairs towards her room.

They all sat around her making a circle. Jansie asked her that why she is upset?

Emily told them about Alice. At that time Randy interrupted their conversation and start talking about Emily birthday plan, which also strikes to others mind so they also asked about the party. She said that she will give a party. These words of Emily lead to broad smiles on her friends faces. But she was still upset. Jansie asked "why are you upset?" Emily said that she was in nostalgia whether she should call Alice or not. A big no was roared by her friends. but later on they said that its her call whatever she wants she can do as its her birthday party. Then they all left her alone on bed. Emily's nostalgic condition were disturbing her all night. She evaluated the whole condition including Alice behavior and took the decision.