So my morning starts off pretty normal. Well, compared to most mornings. I lay wrapped up in my bed sheets like a butterfly not wanting to leave its cocoon. My mom walks in, telling me to me to wake up and get ready for school. I give off a couple of groans and grunts to show that I'm alive but unable to find the willpower to get up.
My mom gives up and leaves the room. After a few minutes I hear Stanley come running up to my bed and he dive tackles me. He use to just jump onto me but quickly stopped when I once mistook him for a bugler trying to kill me. Long story short, I had woken up with a start and not-so-accidentally punched him in the face. After falling off of my bed, he had screamed like he was the one being murdered.
Back to the present, Stanley is now trying to pull me off of the bed by my feet. I thrash around and moan, doing a very lifelike impression of a beached whale.
"Get off me you neanderthal!," I yell.
He doesn't relent and instead decides to pull my bed sheets off of my body, leaving my skin vulnerable to the chilly morning breeze.
"Mom said to get up, Jimmy!"
"Give me back my blankets, then I'll get up!," I shout in annoyance.
"Fine. If you don't then mom's gonna send me back," he tells me as he throws the bed sheets back.
"Yeah, yeah I know. Now get lost."
My little brother leaves me at peace and after a few seconds I push myself onto my elbows. I briefly consider asking my dad to get me an alarm clock for my birthday but then decide that it's not worth the effort. I'd probably leave it permanently on snooze anyway.
I jump weakly off of my bed and onto the matted floor of my bedroom. I shuffle over to my cupboards shivering as I look for my school clothes. It takes longer than I'd have liked but I spot the hanger and pull it off.
It takes me even longer to get dressed and I finally make my way into the kitchen where Stan is already dressed and seated, eating his Coco-Pops cereal.
"Morning Jim," my mom says to me.
"Hi mom," I say back.
Dad had already left for work and would only be back when I get home from school later today. I dig out my own cereal and quickly make my breakfast (I'm not going to bother saying what it is because that would be information overload).
I don't know about other people but I eat my food pretty fast, which can be seen as a bad thing if I had to ever buy fresh hot pizza one day. Regardless of these random thoughts that bombard my mind, I finish my cereal at top speed and wash my bowl in the sink.
"I'm going mom," I shout by the front door as I sling my bag over my shoulder. Before you wonder if I forgot to add the bit about actually packing my bag, no I didn't. One of the Jacobs house rules is that Stan and I must pack our bags every night. That way we can leave the house as quickly as possible.
I know right? Sounds fishy to me too. Or maybe it's just me, then in that case I'm the one sounding fishy. Moving on...
I say goodbye to my mom and brother before closing the front door and walking down a couple of streets to my school. It's pretty big I guess. Red bricked and lined with trees. If you ignore all the gates and barred fences then it almost doesn't look like a prison, which upon strolling into looks only slightly less menacing. I make a bee-line for my register classroom and I throw my bag at the row of other bags that sit facing the wall.
I try to walk as casually as possible past students that decide to roam around the premises and I make my way to the benches by the cafeteria/tuck-shop. I can only pray that Roy is already sitting there. Otherwise I get too close and then I have to turn around. By then I risk looking like an idiot in front of everyone.
"It's too late to turn back," I whisper to myself. A student turns to look at me in confusion. Great, he must think that I am a psychopath. 'Dammit!' I take a breath and step outside.
'Wish me luck!'