~ Ellis ~

I sat in my chair as the warning bell rang. My backpack sloughed off my shoulder and I felt deprived of all emotion and energy. It happened to me a lot and at random points. Sometimes it was because I hated the next class. Sometimes, because of something that happened, but this time there was no apparent reason. The last thing I remember that could've set me off was the moment with Harri, but I didn't see why it would affect me this way, so I brushed the thought away.

I loved science, but I really didn't want to be here. I hated these kids. Sometimes, when I don't like someone, I forget their face. It's a new face everytime I see them. My science class is full of people like that. I hated admitting it because it was an ugly flaw, but it was a true one. Even my teacher was like that. It wasn't that they were necessarily bad people, it was just that they didn't pass my tests. Maybe I was the bad person.

I burned holes in the off-white, nearly yellow, linoleum flooring with my eyes. The class had gotten into an argument. A political one, no doubt, but I wasn't gonna pay attention.

"Harri Ford, to the principal's office please! Thank you--" A soft voice came from the speakers before it buzzed off.


Probably for something unimportant, like an outstanding award. She's gotten the Student of the Month award every month since 7th grade. Hell, most people didn't know there was a Student of the Month since Harri was always in that spot. I'd gotten it once, but I was never sociable enough to get it again. That was 4 years ago, before Harri.

I'd always enjoyed Harri's presence. I never forgot her face like I often did others. I could tell you all her features without needing to look at her. Maybe that was creepy, but she was one of the only people I've actually ever cared for without being obligated to.

"Ellie. Ellie," One of my female classmates prodded me with the end of her pencil. At least it wasn't the sharp end. Even looking at her, her face was a blur.

"What, sorry?"

"What's that one word for when water evaporates?" I stared at her blankly, wondering if she realized what she just said. I still couldn't look her in the eyes since eye-contact wasn't my thing, but I didn't feel intimidated by her. I looked straight in-between her eyes.


"Evaporation, Danny. Evaporation."

I may not remember her face, but I knew everyone's name. Nobody was not worth remembering. Unless it was me. I was uninspiring.

"Oh," She laughed her obnoxiously loud laugh. I tuned it all out again, hoping no one would prod me.


My thoughts were wild but I usually didn't think of people this much. Especially not random girls from the 7th grade who I've talked to a handful of times.

Her hand was so soft and warm.

Unwarranted thoughts kept spinning in my head. I liked Harri, but why would she always be on my mind like this? Maybe this is what it felt like to want friends. I've always had Rose, but maybe I want more. Maybe I want to be around her more and know what she thinks.

Maybe I want to know what her lips taste like and touch her more and smell her because she has the most calming smell I've smelled in years.

I buried my head in my arms and lied on the desk. These wild thoughts needed to leave my mind, pronto. I tried to focus on the work in front of me, but my brain kept rejecting the precipitation cycle, and for once, I couldn't focus at all on Science. Harri was just on my mind.

I did something I had never before dared to do. I pulled out my phone and immediately pulled Rose up. I didn't bother trying to hide it since I knew Mr. Love would be too focused on chilling the rest of the class out. He was mostly chill with them having their phones, so I saw myself as no exception.


Read 1:16 PM

Yea, whats up, i got 5 minutes at most

What does it mean when you can't get someone out of your head?

Read 1:16 PM

I mean,,, 4 me it usu means i <3 them

But, I've never liked someone before. You're the boy-crazy one!

Read 1:17 PM


I mean, I don't think so?

Read 1:17 PM


... Harri Ford....

Read 1:17 PM

w8.... u <3 girls?

Idk, I guess,,, maybe?

Read 1:17 PM

at least if ur gonna <3 girls, its harri. i mean, shes the whole package

Rose, you aren't helping, whatsoever. Do you think I like her or not??

Delivered 1:18 PM

I impatiently waited for her reply, but it never came. It was something I would have to know myself. Maybe the internet would have answers. Of course, I typed in "Do I have a crush quiz", but I clicked on a quiz called "Love, Lust, Or Infatuation?". I don't think that was quite what I wanted, but I tried it nonetheless.

1. How often do you think about them?

a. All the time

b. Not often

c. Only when I'm around them

d. Do you breathe?

None of these seemed to apply, so I simply picked C.

2. How often do you guys talk?

a. Do we ever stop? Lemme check-- Oh look, another message!

b. Do I even have their number...?

c. Sometimes

d. No need, I'm always with them

I had her number, but I never used it. The last time she texted me was the summer of last year, and I think I ghosted her. I chose C.

3. How many times have you guys hung out outside of school/work?

a. I literally live with them

b. Never

c. A long time ago, like once

d. At least every weekend

I've never hung out with her outside of school. So, I picked B.

4. Lastly, do you ever daydream about being together?

a. I have our life together planned for the next 4 years

b. I mean, not really but sometimes ;)

c. Yes, but probably not in the way you mean

d. Don't need to daydream about it when it's happening

I didn't really understand the questions, nor the answers, but I chose B. because it seemed accurate. The website stalled for a minute, and I tuned into the world around me. Yep, still chaotic.

You got:


While you may be infatuated with them, you definitely want some of that--

I nearly threw my phone across the room in embarrassment. I basically had an aneurysm in my seat and turned bright red. Lust certainly wasn't what I was feeling, but judging on my reaction... I think Harri might be the first person I've ever liked. While this was an interesting discovery, I still had the rest of the day with her in my next class. The bell rang, and this time, I didn't bother to cover my ears because my thoughts drowned out the sound.