“Who’s Snowbird?”

After the hostile Rockies returned me to my empty hall of cells, I started to get bored. I sang the song that never ends but soon got bored of that. I counted to a hundred and back then lost interest. I started getting hungry and checked the time, 9:00 am, too early to ask for food. I decided to try crushing the bars on some of the empty cells around me with Gravity, it was a lot of work especially when I was weak. I let my hands fall and they bumped against the bindings Bit had wrapped me with. I started picking at them and before I knew it they were off and on the ground. Without the magic covering the pain, my whole body throbbed with pain, I felt like someone had whipped me down the middle multiple times then had flung salt in the open wound. My ribs ache and my arms feel like Jell-O. I'm drained of energy. I look at the camera in the corner and grimace. The three gems on me glow and shackles form to connect my wrists to my neck. The light above the door blinks again and Rockies come stomping in followed by Doctor Bit. Bit looks right mad. once my bars are flung up she comes stomping in muttering about what a silly and ungrateful child I am, well I'm almost a teenager! Once Bit has secured the bindings and renewed the magic, she slaps me hard across the face.

"What in Promiscus' ocean did you think you were doing?!" She shrieks, "Did you think that you were miraculously healed? I should have just stayed in my lab and not bothered, you should endure the pain! If you're not going to let me heal you then why should I? I'm not your Mother!" Even as she says this, Bit hovers her hand over my red cheek and heals it. One of the Rockies in his suit behind her snorts,

"Sure act like a mother hen Bit, wonder what Jax thinks of that." Bit's face pales and she glances at the mounted security camera.

"Don't refer to Mr. Candice as if you two are tea buddies Ivan. wonder what he thinks of that." Bit retorts, but I can tell she's flustered. Bit levels a glare at me again for good measure then stands up and brushes off her knees.

"Well I've done what I can, let's go boys." The Rockie who spoke up earlier, Ivan, reaches a hand out to stop the doctor.

"Not so fast there Good Doctor, we've got an incoming call from Mr. Boss Blazie himself." On cue, Ivan's and Bit's mics crackle and come to life with the deep, overly cheerful voice of Mr. Jax Candice.

"Doctor, escort yourself back to your lab, you are done on this level. Rockies, I would like Ms. Damini to move in with patient 192." I hate that Mr. Candice uses my original last name. Everyone else here has their last name replaced with 'Farren' which means wanderer because they're the property of Illwood Asylum, we have no family. I think Mr. Candice uses it to mock me and shame my family. When they confiscated me from my family he assured them that they could come and visit their daughter, the only Heavie. After they took me away the Government gave my parents a strong Sparkie son, and they never came to visit me. Too wrapped around little Crynn Damini's chubby finger. I despise my little brother, I doubt he even knows he has an older sister. I'm brought back to the present by Bit's wail.

"No! No! You can't get rid of Raylee! I'll heal her. I know I can! If you would just let me try-" Candice's voice cuts her off,

"No Doctor Nereida, I will not allow it. Ms. Damini is a drag to us all and time consuming for you when I need you working on your other projects."

"Send them to Reginae in Mortem for all I care! What happens if they end up like Raylee too? You can't dispose of a human child just because she takes up some of my time!"

"I can and I will. Well, Ms. Snowbird will. Rockies, take Bit Nereida to Ms. Snowbird as well. I will send another team to escort Ms. Damini." Bit wails even louder and I realize she's crying,

"No! Please! I'll do anything! Stop! No! Don't touch me! I'll drown you!" That last remark stalls the Rockies until one of them wraps Doctor Bit in metal pulled from a nearby cell. They take away my only friend thrashing and screaming with salty tears splatting on the ground. In the sudden silence, it dawns on me what Bit had said, other projects? End up like Raylee? Were they trying to make new powers? Were they retrying Gravity? Dispose of me? And who was Snowbird?

The doors at the end of the hall opened again and a fresh team of Rockies, and Sparkies I noted, came rushing forward. They grabbed my still shackled arms and hauled me to my feet. I was about to find out who Snowbird was.