
Chatty Guards

After playing dolls with Snowbird for a good amount of time, a siren goes off in her room. I jump and look around wildly, what's happening?! Snowbird sighs, hauls herself up and walks over to the wall her canopy bed is on, and stands against it. The wall is oddly empty of drawings or just cheerful artwork. I hear a grating noise and bars emerge from the wall to trap Snowbird inside, I rush forward to try and free her but the metal zaps me. It's Electric. I curse my weak Electric powers and call on my Gravity to crush the bars when Snowbird calls out,

"Wait! Raylee!" I stop and look at her, she shakes her head and stands still when the gems on her body start glowing with the effort of chaining her limbs to the wall. Why would they do this to a helpless child?! This is horrible! The siren continues shrieking and the heavy door lifts open allowing multiple guards to storm in. Five of them take a place in front of the contained Snowbird holding their hands toward her in an aggressive manner, while three others grab my limbs and all but drag me out of the room. I struggle, trying to get to Snowbird so I can free her.

"No! Stop! She didn't do anything! Snowbird!"

One of the guards holding my arms laughs humorlessly. She's a Greenie, aren't they supposed to be nice?

"Exactly! That's why she's being punished later."

They keep pulling me forward, out through the second door and into the elevator that I didn't know existed. My struggling continues.

"Stop! No, I want to go back! Where's Bit? I want Bit!" The other guard, who's a weak Blazie, laughs cruelly,

"Hear that Cosa? Little Faulty Sparkie wants her Mama!" He says the last part in a mock baby voice, the two other guards crack up.

"Bit wasn't following the rules, she got what she deserved," I force my lower lip to stop trembling, but I mustn't have succeeded because the Greenie, Cosa's her name, laughed wickedly.

"Why little Sparkie-"

"Faulty," The last guard interrupts. He hadn't spoken until that moment, "Don't insult us by calling this Faulty a Sparkie," He spits out with venom in his voice. Cosa rolls her eyes.

"Whatever Reznor. As I was saying," Cosa glares at Reznor before focusing back on me, "Bit was taken to Snowbird a while before you were." All the guards snicker.

"Yeah, and I didn't see her, where is she?" I ask, they laugh again.

"Why, she's in the dumpster of course!" Cosa shouts over the hoots of laughter, my heart sinks.

"Why is she in the dumpster?!" The weak Blazie answers this time and I almost wish Cosa had instead.

"Because she's dead, your friend Snowbird killed her."