
Is She?

This is the Jax Candice that everyone here is afraid of? Do they even know he's a she? Ms. Candice laughs,

"Don't judge a book by its cover darling,"

Did I say that out loud? Ms. Candice pulls out a chair that had completely escaped my notice and sits down, I sit on the floor.

"I know you've been trying to learn about the outside world."

I'm confused, is that what she thinks we're doing? It may be a good thing.

She laughs,

"You'll see it soon enough, or more like, your corpse will."

My dream comes back to me, it's not June 12th is it? What am I thinking? Of course, it's not! It was just a silly nightmare! That started out as a memory of the past.

"I hope you enjoy your new roommate, she has been a bit stubborn lately," A smile that sends shivers down my spine crawls onto her face. "But I believe her mood has changed."

Ms. Candice and I stand. What has she done to Snowbird? I'm scared for my friend, how is this going to change our escape plans? A brick falls in my stomach, Crynn! We're supposed to escape tomorrow! I just hope he listened to what I told him.

"It was lovely meeting you in person Raylee, but I am afraid that I have an appointment to make." Ms. Candice steps back and lets the flame go out, at the same time the door swings open and a guard grabs my upper arm and pulls me away.

"No! Stop! You can't do this!" I turn to the guard, "Jax is a woman! Your oh--so--special boss is actually a girl! What do you think about that pig head!"

The guard only guffaws.

"Silly little girl, Mr. Candice has a sister, that's who you must have glimpsed." The fat man continues laughing at my obvious stupidity but one thing isn't too easy to swallow, why would she lie?

Snowbird is standing in her cell cautiously toeing my naked mattress.

"Why is this here?"

"Because apparently, we're roommates now,"

"What is this going to do to your brother's plans?"

"Nothing, I hope. I told him that if I'm not in my cell to come straight here to get you out. And I think they know where it is so they should still come. How does food get delivered around here?"

Snowbird nods to a small dog opening at the base of her door,
