Arrogant level 10

It's been a few weeks since that event, we have seen each other a few times in high school, we are not one of those who suck, ahhh, also we are not boyfriends, I don't even know what we are, finally it is that winter has entered and we have gone to ice skating and other places lately I have seen that beautiful side of him that I did not imagine existed, tomorrow it will pass through me we will begin to be the (task), yes in parentheses; reiterate that I will go resin and praying psalms.

It has been a super day, it is late at night, I am lying looking at the ceiling, my body is immobile as if it had died and the only thing that has remained alive is my brain, I have reproduced the same thing several times.

I have woken up later than ever, worse than a Halloween costume and that the date has not arrived.

I have done nothing more than take a shower, drink a cup of coffee and continue reading some of my books, I feel so far from this planet, it will be that I want to have it close and at the same time far, I do not want it to become more important than what it is and it affects me if it leaves, I don't want to miss it, I am afraid to feel if I have already done it.

I don't know how my time is reading, I've been late, I've only eaten something from the refrigerator and I've gone to shower ... The water is colder than ever, although it doesn't affect me, it will do me good, it will make me feel better. (freeze the brain and forget all this). Because I do need it.

Dariel has passed by me to go to his house, he has not said a word and I thank him, so much silence made the road seem eternal, we had arrived at his house, I remained standing as if I was hesitating to enter.

-I don't know what scares you, you haven't talked to me and I've noticed you weird all the way, (nothing is going to happen to you), nothing that you don't want. That she is just as attractive does not mean that she is Cristian Gray.

This guy is really mysterious.

-What? The only words that occurred to me, more or less gave meaning to "what are you talking about?"

-You are going to tell me that you have not seen ...

-Shut up "I had entered the house faster than I had planned" The first thing my eyes slid into was an image of a large painting was a couple and a child, the child looked like his father but had a smile of his mother and not because this is his house, I know who Dariel is, he is the same, of course more tender, he looks full of innocence and free of sin, unlike now "that walking demon among humans."

-That's the last photo we had with her.

-It was beautiful.

-Yes, of course it was, it was my mother.

-Yes William Levy, Calvin Klein model. What a horror that I am paying so bad I have been, I hope that the kings have not realized all my sins mainly all what I think it would be disastrous to confess, "what was I in?" Aaa yes, it has been my worst punishment that such a high level of self-esteem has this.

-And your father?

-She spends his time working

He replied with a face of I don't care and don't ask me anymore.

We were thinking of doing the homework but as always Dariel has come up with something else "how will I explain later why I didn't do the homework".

* Stop thinking evil morbid minds.

I wanted to see a summary of Elite, but I wouldn't even see that with him, we only saw The Dirt, I don't know when I pretended to be asleep so that he wouldn't see my "Ay" face in the xnxx scenes. I think having little sleep last night helped me not to add something else to my 'I'll go to hell' record

It had dawned at Dariel's house, we had not been able to do the homework and it was for tomorrow without absences or excuses, I did not want my house to come, the first thing I saw when I entered my house were two familiar faces "my parents" I did not even know they were doing here and less at the moment.

-It seems like you're not glad to see us

-If only I did not expect them yet

-Ahhh yes, and where do you come from?

-I started to exercise from running.

-With those clothes.

What? I'm so bad at lying.

As I said I did not want her to come, it is unknown to my parents, we only divided into parts.

The time had come I have not studied enough. We were treating the 5 senses, my eyes had touched me and his taste, and I had finished, came out enough to say that it was practically that I analyzed it, now it was his turn.

- The sense of taste, with the tongue as the main element, allowing to perceive the different flavors ... And blah blah ...

We had finished, it was excellent.

-Yes, you learned it.

-These topics are good for me

-Ahhh yes?

-Any questions?. He had raised an eyebrow, and at this what?

- If you want I make you remember.