
I got up a little late, took a shower and went down to the kitchen to wait for Mom to finish preparing breakfast, while we chatted very animatedly that our laughter echoed throughout the house, I interrupted Mom to answer a call from Martha.

-Yes?. -There was silence for a few minutes and then the broken voice I imagine I was crying from Martha, nothing was understood and I was starting to worry I only understood 'hospital', I asked my mother for her car and I took the keys to go out, if I already did He dominated clear without high speeds but this was not the time to think about that.

I arrived as fast as I could, I went up the second floor and at the end of the corridor I located where Dariel, Alex, Martha, Jhoan were, two gentlemen, apparently the parents of Andrea and Alex, and by acquisition of human logic something had happened to Andrea, from what he told me Dariel fainted and fell to the pool we are all waiting a little tired, they have done several tests but we still don't know anything, Martha has her head on Alex's legs, Jhoan has a sad face that is Note that all this worries and hurts too much, The gentlemen are sitting together also with their worried faces, Dariel with his phone to make the wait a little more bearable and I, therefore, observing each of the people who are here and I admit That worries both the state of Andrew's health and although this is not the time later I have to know that these two pairs are brought, of course they are but I need to know everything in detail without exceptions or censorship.

After a long time an elderly man in a white coat and a briefcase in hand approaches us.

-Are you pregnant? -Asks Martha. And we are all in shock.

And I put my hands on the bridge of my nose in an imaginary way, oh this chick!

- Ahh no. -The doctor answered and continued. - He suffered a faint due to Gastrointestinal Diseases. They are diseases that attack the stomach and intestines, they are generally caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses and some foods, such as milk and fat, they will be under observation with treatment and implementation of a diet .... And blah blah my brain was clik clik too much information, in short the important thing is that it will be recovered.

We all take turns to see her, she is connected to some tubes and she looks a little pale while Martha and I try to revive her.

Tomorrow Andrew returns to his house to rest, it is already 6:00 pm so Jhoan and Andrew's mother stayed with her in the hospital while the rest of us returned home to shower and rest a bit, we agreed that tomorrow In the afternoon we will go to the Messrs. Ramos house to see how Andrew is doing, and at that time she will have rested a little and felt the warmth of home.

However, I got home, took a shower and started to watch a movie with my mother to make up for this morning and to talk about something that has me at the air 'the university', I didn't think this semester would have gone so fast already we are in the finals comes graduation and then another stage of life, the one we all go through when we stop being capricious adolescents and start making very important decisions in our lives on which our lives will depend.