Do you have a boyfriend?

I got up and put on simple clothes. I find myself in the dining room having breakfast with Mom and my father has been ahead of work.

-You are leaving work time, mom.

-There are more important things. -I put the spoon that was in my mouth back on the plate.

-Do you have a boyfriend?.

-Ehhh ...

-I know that if, tell me who is I am your mother.

-His name is Dariel.

- And are you a virgin?

-Mom me ....

-I heard you last night. "Oh father, swallow me earth, my face has fallen from shame." -Nothing happens daughter, your father still does not know, and if you have your boyfriend and have sex that is normal, it is taboo to get married as a virgin if you do not decide so, we are in the 21st century, and you are older, and not yet, if you are 16 or 17 and a teenager has the ability to choose and know what is good and bad, I just want you to choose well and take care of yourself, you still have a long way to go.

Without further ado, he gave me a hug and went to work, while I was still getting over myself.


More than a month has passed, Mom told Dad that she had a boyfriend, thank God without giving details, he has allowed the relationship, of course, he slipped Dariel his light coffee, I'm older but I still live at home and you have to respect it.

Today there is a dinner in which Dariel and her father are invited, we are all sitting at the table talking to find out more about each other, mother is in the middle of Dariel's father and my father, father in the center of the table,. I am on the other side followed by her and then my Dariel.

- And what are you going to study Dariel ?. -My dad blurted out, ohhh we hadn't talked about that topic, I think it's difficult to talk for fear of listening to everything, everyone on their way ended.

-Specialty in Neurology.

-In witch university?,

-I haven't decided yet.

We all continue to have dinner in silence, Dariel's father is not very questioning and thanks a thousand thanks to Allah.

After finishing dinner we stayed at the table toasting and talking about shameful situations that have happened to him, of course not counting mine, Dariel and I just looked at each other and laughed at the lively talk of these men.

So I apologize for not telling you that I am wearing a beautiful black dress with three fingers on my knees that make me look spectacular.

My eyes have watered from having coughed, I choked on the alcohol, while Dariel began to caress my leg covertly and to slowly lift my dress until she brushed her fingers over my panties, and thank you carpenter of this table for making it of wood and. not glass, Mom squinted at me and continued the conversation to avoid my situation and help me cover the card.

After a long time of lively conversation, we said goodbye to the guests and I helped mom pick up and wash the dishes, then I went up to my room, took off my dress and went into the shower, what happened down there came to my mind During dinner, I couldn't help getting excited and touching myself as I was left with the desire.