Chapter 25 - Daku's New Life

Later that day, Kiyoshi and Daku are still at Kiyoshi's place hanging out by reading thriller books and watching TV. It was 3 in the afternoon, and it seems that Daku doesn't want to leave. And then, an idea struck Kiyoshi's mind: What if he could help Daku financially so he could get him out of his shabby home and help him get a job? Thinking about this, Kiyoshi verbalized that idea to Daku.

"Are you sure about that, Kiyoshi-kun?" Daku asked with mild skepticism. "I don't want to be in debt to you."

"Don't worry," responded Kiyoshi back positively. "I had been earning and saving for the last few years, so I might able to help you financially, and to help you get a job."

Thinking about this, Daku agreed with his idea and suggestion.

And so, after a few days, Kiyoshi withdrew most of his savings from his bank account and gave it to Daku, telling him not to waste it away with cigarettes or alcohol. Daku then accepted the money, and both he and Kiyoshi then went to Daku's home to help him pack his belongings and help him find a new place to live.

Later at the abandoned building, both men help each other packing up Daku's belongings, including his books and clothes. Kiyoshi always asked him whether he needed those items or not, in which Daku always responds in different ways. Later at 3:07 p.m., they both said goodbye to the homeless people, and both left the building and took a train towards a real estate agency to find a new place. And at the nearest real estate agency, Daku wasn't good at conversations, so Kiyoshi acted as the interpreter between Daku and the real estate agents. And after some talking, the real estate agency agreed to help them find a new apartment for Daku Kamada.

Later, one of the real estate agents showed them different apartments around the city. Some are too spacious and expensive while others are too shabby and cheap. But, Daku preferred the shabby and cheap one because of his financial situation and limited funds. The real estate agreed with him, and lead him and Kiyoshi to their last stop.

Not long after, they arrived at their last stop, a cheap, shabby apartment not too far from a construction site. And as the landlord showed them the apartment unit, they were mildly surprised at its interior, which is quite shabby, but decent. Also, it does have a functioning toilet and shower, a small kitchen, decent plumbing and lighting, and tatami mats with a small table.

"Wow, looks pretty decent," Daku commented in a monotone voice.

"So, what do you think, Daku-kun?" Kiyoshi asked him.

Daku then looked at Kiyoshi, and gave him a slight smile. "This is perfect."

"Okay! It is decided!"

Then, the landlord told Daku that the rent was 10,000 yen per month, but it didn't strike Daku because he can afford it for the next two months, an enough time for him to find a job.

"I'm fine with that," Daku responded back with a monotone voice. "I'll find a job as soon as possible."

"Okay then, it is decided," the real estate agent responded to this.