Chapter 23 - Conversation

Later at a park in the city, Kiyoshi and Daku settled down at a bench, and they began to enjoy their hot snacks. But still, Daku was distant and shy, eating his Takoyaki balls.

"Hey, um," Kiyoshi began their conversation.

"What?" Daku responded back.

"Do you have anything to talk about?" Kiyoshi asked in response.

"Oh, um," replied Daku back, "nothing at all."

"I know your state is deteriorating," Kiyoshi replied back, trying to cheer Daku up. "I still forgive you for killing me on that day."

"Oh, thanks," Daku replied back; he then kept eating his snacks.

"Come on," Kiyoshi persuaded back in response, "I know you have something to talk about."

Daku then looked at him in response. Kiyoshi then continued, "You can let it out to me. I'll listen."

And then, persuaded by Kiyoshi willingness to listen to him, Daku began to tell Kiyoshi about his sad background, in every detail.

Minutes later, Kiyoshi was shocked to hear Daku's sad story, and Daku said to him, "I know, and I become an outcast to society. And I became a monster because I am so lonely. I'm so desperate for companionship." He then stands up, put his snack aside, turned around towards Kiyoshi, and fell on his knees, apologizing to him for being a monster to him. But, Kiyoshi, being a forgiving person, already forgave him, and just told him to get up, telling him that it is embarrassing for him to do that kind of position in public.

"Sorry, it's just I felt so bad to you and to my victims," Daku responded back as he gets up on his feet. "Are you sure about forgiving me?"

"Yes, because my mom used to tell me to forgive those who had done something not good to me," Kiyoshi replied back with an explanation.

As Daku picks up his snack and eats it, Kiyoshi thinks in his mind. "Victims? Is he responsible for the disappearance of many students?" But he wasn't ready to ask that to Daku.

Shortly thereafter, they are laying down on the soft, green grass while looking at the clear, blue sky. The winds are blowing mildly against them.

"So, do you ever enter university?" Kiyoshi asked Daku a question.

"No, never," answered Daku back. "I just pretended to be one."

"Oh, I see," Kiyoshi responded back. "Well, for me, I wanted to go to university so I could study to be a psychologist and a writer."

"Wow, you had ambitions," Daku commented.

"Not really technically," Kiyoshi partially objected. "I'm not that ambitious."

"Oh, okay then," Daku responded back.


Hi! This is the author. I felt that I just created my own anime here.