In the begining

Millennium one.

That was the name of the leading ship of the Autobots force that was lead by Optimus Prime. It was the most robust ship that remained after the Ark, which had previously been driven off in a mission hunt after the Allspark. That had been eons ago, and Optimus could feel a tug on his spark, it was as if something dragged him away from their home planet. On the ship were few of his most trusted allies as almost the whole Autobots rebellion had been forced to leaving Cybertron in different phases. Their mission was a dangerous one; there were not many of them went as their forces had been split all over the galaxy or offline. Some stayed behind on Cybertron to protect her and collect the last refugees and war survivors. But as it was Optimus that had to send the Allspark away and with his status as the Prime, he could feel some of the energy the cube was sending out. It gave him a little hint as to which direction they should travel, but the hunt for the Allspark could take eons. The door to Optimus office open with a soft whooshing sound successfully bringing the leader out from his musing and looked up as his third in command and head for the infiltration and espionage stepped inside.

"Jazz, what brings you to my office this hour?" Prime asked in a deep vibrating voice

The TIC was a small Cybetronians with the black and white frame; a blue visor covered his optics. He had a grin on his lips plates that told Optimus that the TIC had something good to say to him, something that he needed to hear at this time. Jazz walked in with light steps and bounced down in the chair in front of Optimus desk.

"Information boss bot, the last mission was a complete success" he grinned and picked up a datapad from his subspace.

"Prowl has got a copy of this one already so you can keep it," The black and white mech told the Prime. Optimus took the datapad and turned it on and started to read what the spy had found out. It was indeed good news; this could make the war take a complete turnaround, something that they needed.

" An Energon source?"

"Yepp! and it was right there for the picking, the others are loading it aboard as we speak."


Optimus looked at the datapad and could feel the other Cybetronian optics on him, and he looked up again and raised an optic ridge in a silent question, was there something more? The mech in front of him just kept on smiling. If he hadn't known Jazz as long as he now actually had, he would probably feel more uncomfortable. This was normal behavior and meant that there was something more than what the mech wanted to say, a fact that was proving him right as the TIC in front of him did not say anything. So he started to read again, and until he came close to the end of the report he had no idea of what made his TIC in such good mood, but as Optimus read the last sentences, he slowly lowered the pad to his desk.

"You heard rumors about the Allspark?" He asked

"You are correct" Jazz grinned, "and I believe it is valid information; it is from a trusted source."

Optimus nodded as he leaned back in his chair; this was good news; it had been too silent for a long time now. He then got up and went around his table to Jazz and looked down at him as he was easily twice as big as the spy in front of him.

"I'm going to inform the deck about the new coordinates. I believe it better to leave as soon we can"

"Considering how the situation here is onboard, we can't get away from this space station fast enough," Jazz said as he raised and stretched his shoulder bots that gave away a squeaking sound and then a final soft pop as he let his arm down again.

"That you are correct about my friend," Optimus said as he walked out from his office.

In another part of the ship, two other Cybertronians was inside of their private quarters, talking.

"You should go and recharge for a bit, you are going to put yourself in force recharge if you are continuing like this is not good for you."

"No, I'm fine, a little bit longer, I'm almost finished," a firm voice said

The silence filled the room once again before the voice starts to talk again with worrying in it.

"Do you need anything? Energon maybe? You haven't been drinking much this joorn, are your tanks alright?"

Deep irritated ventilation could be heard from the owner of the firm and now more irritated voice when the questions popped up again, why could he not just be quiet? He would soon be finished.

"No Ironhide I'm fine! Stop asking me this every nano-second. I will tell you if I want something or if there is any wrong with both me or the sparkling" said the voice that belongs to a white and red mech than stared at the red one beside him. A low growling sound of irritation could be heard from him, enhancing his feelings and need to punch him. The big red mech that was named Ironhide looked at his mate that was irritated with his questions and worrying, but he could not blame him. He opened his mouth again to say that but was quickly stopped by a white servo over his mouth plates. Successfully muting him down and he made a muffling sound as he grunted out something that would in other scenes be words. He gave away a new muttered sound behind the servo and looked slightly irritated at his spark mate as he pushed the servo away, only to earn an even more irritated look from the white mech.

"One more word and I swear to Primus himself that I will remodel your system to an android and have you fetch my data pads for a decade to come."

That stopped the red mechs protest quite sufficient for a klik, as he looked at the medic in suspicion. He almost reconsiders his action but decided not to do that, and he pushes it away it from his processor. Ironhide knew his mate could do a lot of things but he would not do something that horrible, but as he processed that thought he halted, it was precisely something his mate would do.


"You can't blame me to be worried about you Ratchet! "He said irritated instead as he walked around the other one. "You are more tired this orn, and you did not recharge well this cycle, and I'm worried about you."

"Yes, I know, and you can blame our overactive sparkling for not recharge well, and with you, as its sire, it was doomed to be an active little thing" the white medic grunted and lowered himself back on the sofa he was resting on some kliks ago with his datapad in his servo.

Ratchet was trying to calm his spark down, but it kept on fluttering in its chamber, and it was getting a little bit uncomfortable as his spark had started to become very hot and pulsing hard. He could feel the new spark flutter in its casket in the close proximate with his spark, Ratched vented out a warm ventilation draft as he relaxed. He was so tired and had not been recharging very well this last few joorns; he knew that the sparkling was close to being separate from his own. Soon the new sparkling that had been formed in his chassie could get by on its own. But it only made him more scared of it all, and that was a scary thought by itself! Him! The most feared and respected medic on Cybertron. The one and only that that could drag Optimus prime to his med-bay without getting in trouble by the action. He had helped deliver a lot of sparks created sparkling in his lifespan. The spark created sparklings were utterly different from the ones that once was created by the Allspark or even the one that had only a spark transfer, they did that when the protoform was not entirely complete for some reason. Their whole frames, spark, processor, and programming came from two Cybetronian, often a product of a spark bonded pair. Ratchet had never believed that he would be on the other side of that conversation but here he was and he was getting scared over the thought of a sparkling, and not just any sparkling, his and Ironhides own sparked sparkling.

The red mech looked at him now and smiled slightly, not caring about the other one's bad mood, he had survived it the whole spark process so he could survive it some more cycler to come. Because it was the most beautiful thing that he ever had laid his optics on and he loved the grumpy temperamental medic and had done that long before this war started.

"Is it active again?" he asked and sat slowly down beside his mate and let his servo rest over Ratchets warm chassis.

They were in their private room on their crew's ship they were enrolled on so no one would come in here; it was their little haven. Here was the only place they could be themselves with each other and let their guards down. It had been a real journey sins they had found out that Ratchet had been sparked and a new life form was being created inside of him. Ironhide could feel his creations sparkpuls and field inside of his mate, and every time he could feel it, his spark made a jump. He was going to be a sire in a short time. In all this dame forgotten war, there could be some good things in it too, but it also was one of the most dangerous places for a sparkling to be raised in. Every time they would have to dock for supplies, or every time someone of them had to get out on missions or other events could mean a risk. Also, the Decepticons were all over the galaxy.

It was an ordinarily a big battleship that could carry around 20 adult Cybertronians; now it only hosted 7 of them as more was out on a mission. Ratchet was the Chief medical officer, and Ironhide was their weapon specialist and bodyguard to Optimus Prime and where ever he went Ironhide had to follow. It was rare that a bonded couple still was functional in the war, even more, rare that they held such vast and essential positions and rang. They had kept their bond a secret for all of them around them until an event that almost had offlined both of them. It literary had offlined Ironhide for a klik before Ratchet had brought him back from the edge of the well. Nothing more to say, the whole incident had scared them both, and it had ended up to become one of their best spark merging moments and interfacing in the process. But it also had broken Ratchets carrying lock program, and it was in that moment they had created a new spark. A sparkling at their ages and situation was rare, but as one of the only spark mated pair still together, it was bound to happen sometime. But both of them had hope that the war would be over and it would be safe to raise a fragile sparkling in it.

Especially now when both Megatron and the Decepticons had laid low for some time, they were planning something, and that could not be something good. But not all Decepticons had laid low, and the war was still raging outside in space, and the Autobot rebellion was driven out of their processions and into an unknown space path. But their world would soon change, all of it, it may have been a complete surprise for every bot that knows them. But not less it had been a happy event for them all when they had found out that Ratchet was sparked and the whole crew came together to protect the carrier. It was still blowing Ironhides processor into bits, a sparkling! Ratchet was carrying the first sparkling known of in millions of years. Frag the war and everything with it, he was going to be the sire of this little wonder! Soon it would be ready to great this life too, and with Ratchet already gone over the planned separation date made him more nervous and worried. Ever sins the attack on the youth center early in the war it had put fear in every bot's spark, it was on that day that the last known sparklings spark had been crushed by Megatron's own hands. No one had seen any youngling or sparkling ever sins that day. All thanks to Megatron and his sick ideas. Everyone in the center was offline, but there had been one little Youngling that Ratchet had found outside and in the protection of its Carrier that had offline to protect her creation. One little youngling that the crew still had within their care.

The young bot they had rescued had now grown up to an excellent scout, he was the youngest of them all, and everyone cared for him as a family unit would do all in their way. Because that was what the war had made them, even if some of them tried to deny it, it was the truth. Ironhide was one of them that would forever be in rejection of the idea of them all becoming something even close to a family unit. He had his own, and it was enough for him. But with every solar cycle that passes they all could offline, lose one of your comrades and you would be in grief and pain for the lost, but they could not stop being online and shy away from each other. Then their race would be doomed. But now a new spark had been created and was already treasured of them all it gave them all hope, maybe the future was not as dark as they thought. It was only the bots in their unit that know about the sparkling; It was only them that they could trust with their spark. Ratchet chuckled low as he got some of Ironhides thoughts over their shared mind link and bond.

"I will forever be in denial with you," he agreed with him, but he could also agree with himself that the younger bots had grown on him like space fungus or a moldy rust organism.

"Oh? And here I thought that you liked the terror twins" Ironhide teased and chuckled at the gaze he got from Ratchet and the snort that followed.

Ironhide gave his mate a playful glare and stroked his chassis as the sparkling pulsed to him underneath it. Ratchet put one of his servos over Ironhides and shut his optics for a klik as a painful shock went throw his spark. He could feel the sparklings protoform starting up on its own and making its final controls and program checks. The action was making his spark pulse harder, and it was that pulsing that was making his whole frame became hot, and pain lashes throw his nerve system. How in the pit could carriers stand this without making to many noises all the time? So many of them that had carried for new sparks and they did so in silence. Not only took it fragging long to create and stable a new spark, a few decades her and another there and with the codes of both him and Ironhide it was bound to be a robust and energetic little thing whatever it was.

Ironhide grinned then "a powerful little thing, is it? Can't wait until it's born and I can learn it to handle its first weapon!"

"You will not let the sparkling get anywhere near any of your weapon in a long, long time!" Ratchet cast his mate an irritated look to warn him. He swears to Primus above that if the red mech did not conclude his nagging about his weapons, he would reprogram him to a garbage drone and paint him pink. Maybe he could ask the terror twins for that favor? No, that was a bad idea, and it would mean that he had to be indebted to those two, he could never live with that knowledge. Ratchet could suddenly feel the sparkling pulse again hard, and this time, he could feel movements, and at the same time, he could feel a happy feeling over both his sparkling bond. Ironhide's optics wide large as he stared down at Ratchet chassis and to their hands. Ratchet, as the sparklings carrying faction had always been able to feel pulses of the sparkling and emotions and beating of the sparks within him. But it had still been muted to Ironhide, he had felt some of them, but never had it been this strong.

Happy, soothing feeling washed over them, and it took him some time to understand that the sparkling liked it when they talked. Just talked and watched, it was bathing in the feeling of being close to both of them. It was so long since he had been in contact with a sparkling of any kind. Ironhide could still remember the first time the sparkling had been alerted that there was something outside the spark chamber the new sparked rested inside. First, the feelings had been of fear, like something had just switched on and then suddenly it had become extremely curious that it had made his spark flutter the whole joorn. The sparkling program had been accepted, and the next face in the sparkling creation could be started. With both Ratchets and his owns coding in the program it would be developed safely inside a special chamber beside Ratchets own spark. It was the most fantastic thing he had ever been feeling; the innocent touch of a sparkling mind could get any hard war soldier down on his knees, weeping his optics out. It was almost like that Ironhide had reacted the first time the new spark had reached out for him, touching his spark. He had been too long in this war, and he had offlined a lot of their own kind in the name of peace.

It had been so long, and he was afraid that he had forgotten how it was to hold a sparkling in his servos. Sparklings were so small and so fragile to even the most insignificant of hurt could offline them permanently. He could feel his spark flutter painfully now again with a hard beating, and he could not wait for enough for the sparkling to come out into this world at the same time it could stay in a place where it was protected all the time. Ironhide looked down at the resting Ratchet and hold on to his servo as he could feel the sparkling pulse more clearly, and he could, for the first time, send a feeling of love to the sparkling. Soon, it would be soon now. As soon the thought had processed in his processor an immediate piercing pain went through Ratchets chassis and especially his spark chamber and had made him gasp loudly in both surprise and shock. Ironhide was immediately alerted that it was time.

The sparkling wanted to come out

The way to the medbay was all in a blur, Ironhide had more or less swept up Ratchet in his servos as soon he had collected himself and contacted Ratchet medic assistant that it was time. All that Ratchet could register was the sudden sharp pain that went through his spark as the sparkling had started to separation program and the cables with it were snapping of fast; it was ready to function on its own. Ratchet silenced his voice as the pain grew more exclusive and pulsing, he could faintly feel that they had entered the medical section and he was now laying on a berth.

He had waited for this so long now, but when it happened, his processor had just frozen, and everything was going in slow-motion. He could feel his assistance electric field pulsing against his own, soothing him. First Aid was one of his best students; he could trust him, especially as he opened his chassis and fully expose his spark and the sparkling chamber. With a gentle motion First- Aid tried to help the sparkling to separate the lat hold of the spark as painless as possible, but as every birth, it could not adequately be completely painless. Ratchet grepped hard on Ironhides servo as the pain reached his whole frame, his programs sending him alerts and warnings.

Ironhides blue optics were glued on the tiny sparkling that was trying to get out from its protective shell that was located near Ratchets own spark, just between the spark and the sparklings chamber. It was like a cocoon of wires, and the sparklings hand had tiny wires inside of its ports and as more First- Aid helped it out as more wires snapped and blue-purple energon was leaking from the ports. He could feel their sparklings pain and fright to of what happened over the bond that was getting stronger and stronger, and Ironhide had to fight his protective protocol that was treating to activate by his creation and mates pain. He held Ratchets servo in his own and tried to send soothing and loving feelings over the bonds that felt so new and raw. They had been here for almost a joorn now, and Ironhides servo was more or less crushed by Ratchets death grip on it, and he tried to hold a straight face. He growled low and irritated at the younger medic, only earning himself a harder metal cursing grip on his already lousy servo and it turned in to a muted whining sound.

"Don't" Ratchet threated him low "It is alright; it is just the protective programming."

Ironhide blinked, the program that had been updated had been from the sparkling. How long could it take for a sparkling to come out? Could the young medic not do it any faster to ease the pain on his mate's spark and his creations?. Soon he could hear the small popping sound of the last barrier broking free, and that was followed by a loud, unhappy whining that made the mechs audio receptor ring. The previous cables that were attached to the sparklings small ports were separating and the sparkling tock its first hard ventilation on its own as its system started up. Carefully and as smoothly as he could First-Aid guided the sparkling out into their world, he could feel his whole frame shaking, and his pedes felt weak as he took the small sparkling out from the now opened vessel. First Aid was quickly wiping the little one clean from all the energon and fluids and scanned the sparkling, checking it over so that all of the ports were closing correctly and its protecting shells was activated nicely. The sparklings spark rate was a little too fast, but for a newborn sparkling, it was utterly normal and even accounted for. First- Aid smiled as he walked tower the new creators and hold out his servo where the now overwrapped sparkling was laying. As one so small, it could not adjust its heat and cooling system yet, so one of the first things was to keep the sparkling warm and dry.

Ratchets chassis has closed on its own, and all the cables had returned to its proper place, so it all seems fine, but he had to keep optics on his mentor for some cycles just in case something would happen later. With the gentlest motion he could bring forth, and with a feeling of pure awe, he let the sparkling travel from his servos in too the waiting servos of its carrier.

"It is healthy, and yet a tiny little femme," he told them with a small warm smile. "Let me be the first one to say congratulations to you."

Ratchet looked down at his creation and accepted the tiny sparkling from First Aid so he could put her on his chassis near his spark that was humming loud and clear for the small femme to feel. He reached over their now stronger and complete creation bond to try and calm the sparkling down as the femme was making a big fuzz about the way she had been put into the world and she did not like the difference in the temperature. Ironhide's optics were wide and full of wonder as he looked down at the small sparkling that now was whining and clicking in her protest on top of Ratchets chassis. She was so little, not more than half of his servo and her protective frame and cables were all white with some silver in some places, her audio receptors were pointing like his, and he could see that her digs were a little more like Ratchets pointier even if they were tiny.

Oh, scrap she was so tiny!

Suddenly all the complaining noises were stopped as the small femme online her optics for the first time. She was in genuine surprise at the motion as she shut them off again and then online them to let the optics try to focus on something substantial. She had not known how to do it before, and that was what had made her whining unhappy, but now she was looking up at the two mechs with wide baby blue optics. First, it was all dimmed, but as she is online and offline her optics, some more the shapes and color were more explicit for her processor to make out the new data. Ironhide then could feel the small touch of her spark reach out for them both in wonder as she tried to figure it out what she was feeling and he could feel that Ratchet felt that motion. He could not help to gave away a low rumbling sound of pride as he leaned closer and gently let a dark red digit caress the little sparkling helm; careful as he was almost was afraid to hurt her. He then gave his mate a long warm kiss that Ratchet tired replayed before he let his helm rest on his shoulder joints.

"Recharge, you have earned it" Ironhide wisped low and hugged his family close to his chassis and let his arm cover the sparkling protective. First-Aid had already gone out sometime before to give the new family some space and inform the Prime of their newest crew member.

"What will we call her?" Ironhide suddenly asked as his optics never left the tiny sparkling, as such small thing could cause such pain into his sparkmates spark was unbelievable, but at the same time, as they held her close, it had been worth it. The small sparkling had already slipped into blissful recharge, cuddling close her carriers chassis and with her sire's hand cupped around her protecting her from the world around. Ironhide could not take his optics away from the recharging sparkling; his thoughts lost in his processor that he had forgotten the question he had asked.

"Lunastorm" Ratchet then said with a low voice as he too looked down at their creations recharging form on him.

"Huh?" Ironhide asked slightly preoccupied, but he could not grip the fact that this was their creation, his little femmling.

"I said, her designation will be Lunastorm, I liked it when we talked about it, and now when I see her, it fits perfectly" he said and smiled to him as Ironhide optics soften even more, and if somebody walked in on them now they would surely think that they were inside and glitch. Or Ironhide wouldn't let them offline on the spot, no he would massacre them as his protective programs were running amok over his new sparkling and almost recharging mate.

~Yes, Lunastorm, it is perfect~ he whispered over the bond, not fully trust his voice to speak louder ~She's perfect~ He looked down at the small white sparkling and let his other servo around wraps around Ratchets tired form. Soon the new family was recharging peacefully in the med bay as if the war never existed.