Nope, not going to happen

After the events in Prowls office, Ironhide had taken the smaller sparkling to their quarter to try to put her into recharge. He still had an annoying feeling within him after the whole situation. The pure terror the sparkling had sent to them had been something he never wanted to feel from his creation ever again. But as Ironhide tried to get the sparkling to activate her recharge program, he was met with protest from the sparkling in the form of loud complaints.

"No, Sirre, do't wanna," the sparkling said in a higher voice and looked up at her red creator as they were laying in their family bench. She could not recharge; it was so much that had happened to her; she could not relax and pushed continuously away from the recharge program that wanted to start. She would not recharge now, not a chance.

Ironhide was laying on his back with the sparkling on top of his chassis and looked at her in soft amusement. Ratchet was still in the med-bay to look over Prowl's processor and would not be here for some time, leaving Ironhide with a sparkling that was not tired, and whatever he did she refused to recharge. It was like she had over eated rust candy or crystal tops again. Jazz was still not forgiven for that time. But with the evening's events, he could not blame her; she was running high after she had that force recharge earlier.

"Really? and why not?" he asked patiently inevitably for the 1000 time in less than a megacycle, it was surprising that he had some patient left; he was not known to have it.

"do't wanna~" the sparkling sang again enjoying the little game her protest had become.

" And if I want it? " he asked her and tried not to show how amused he was by this, he had nothing better to do anyway. Ironhide he needs this because he if he did not have anything to ground him here he would go after those damn twins. Call his sparkling a scrapling! She was no pest; they should be glad he did not shoot them on the spot.

"Yo no listen! " Luna said and patted his chassis as she had to notice her sire not listening on her

"Yes Luna, I'm listening to you, but you still have to tell me what it is you want to tell me" Ironhide answered her patiently, as she huffed and looked at him with big blue optics wit something that probably should look irritated but only come out as a cute pout. Then she suddenly looked down on his neck cable that was visible from her position and she could see the main energon line pulse and some other gears turn and give away soft noises. She focused on it for a while before she looked up again as her attention was back on him.

" D'are Carrier?" she asked another question

"He's coming as soon he finished looking over Prowl, it will not be long now."

"'owlie 'aky noh?"

"Yes he is okay, so are you, now why don't you try to go in to recharge sweet spark? When you online again your carrier will be here, and you can go and see Prowl for yourself again in the morning" he said as he put up the crystal blanket around the sparkling in an attempt to make her more tired.

He let one of his digits caress the sparklings helm as she laid down on her back, he tried to comfort her into recharge, but something didn't feel right. The sparklings feelings had suddenly turned completely over and was now a lot sadder, and Ironhide brought his servo up to lay over her as he held her close to his spark.

Ironhide waiting for her to voice her problems, he knows that she was thinking on how to put it, he could feel it over the bond, and he looked down at her. The creator bond was a fantastic way to understand a sparkling and what its need was without words being used. Even if it sometimes was a lot of information and no correct answer to it all.

"Sire?" the sparkling asked now with a tiny voice, and he suddenly could feel the wetness on his hand from the new lubricate she was leaking from her optics, worrying him even more.

"What's wrong Luna? " Ironhide asked as he sat up on the berth and brought her up closer to him as she started to suddenly sob in his neck cables, trying to hide her face in them.

"little one, talk to me"' he rumbled low to her, her emotions were acting up, and he sent her calming feelings and did not know what ells he could do. For some time, she could not find a way for her vocal box to work because of all the emotion that took over her smaller frame and processor. She had never felt such hard feeling before, and it was overwhelming her, she was so afraid that Prowl would not like her anymore and the thought that he would no longer want her to be there with him hurt.

~Owli no like me now? ~ she suddenly wailed throw the creator bond as she could not find her vocals.

Ironhide looked down at the small sparkling in surprise, what had happened to get her this idea? "Of course, he doses! why would he not?" he asked her and let his digits draw small circles on her back structure.

~Owli 'eca'ing, no ike the pa'ting~ she wailed more ~Luna h'rt Owli!~

Ironhide looked down at her frowning, what that the thing the sparkling was afraid of? It was not something that would send her in this kind of fit. Ironhide did not have to respond to her wailing because Ratchet had been listening in.

~He liked it sparkling~ Ratchet said to her ~ But Prowl has a unique condition that won't allow him to feel much emotions at some points~

As Luna herd her carriers voice, she was slowly started to calm down, at the same time she felt the calming vibes of her Sire pushed at her.

~No?~she asked hesitantly

~No, he can't always find the logical in situations and glitches, it is a situation that put him in recharge for a time~ Ratchet tried to explain as simple he could for her. Now Ironhide was getting curious, what had his sparkling painted to make the stiff tactician glitch? He chuckled low; he would ask Ratchet of a copy on the picture as soon he was in their quarter.

~'litc'ed?~ Luna asked and sobbed quiet and was starting to calm down with the help of Ironhides caresses and her carriers words.

~Yes, he does that when he is thinking to hard~ Ratchet answered fully knowing that the sparkling would not consider it further right now because her worried was right now on how he was, and Prowl was all right. End of that worry, sometimes sparkling was so blissfully simple in thinking.

~sc'wary bots?~she then asked him with the same tiny voice as before.

Both Ratchet and Ironhide felt their anger rise again with that statement, how innocent it was, the twins had scared their sparkling good, and they would not come any closer to her if both of them had something to say about that. Not in a long time.

~They are not going to go near you again anytime soon sweet spark, they are going to go away on a mission soon~ Ratchet told her as he now could feel the sparkling get more and more tired and was fighting the program yet again, he had a feeling that there was more that worries her.

~Recharge sparkle~ Ratchet told her softly as he came up closer to their home and stopped at the door and put in the code so the door would open, and then he locked from the inside for this cycle.

Their quarter was not the most significant room, there was the greeting hall and their living room, it holds a big couch and on the other side a standard size monitor. An energon distributor and then their bench room and a big enough cleaning room and the last room was Ironhide weapon storage. Something that Ratchet had told him to keep closed now when Luna was with them. And he was not going to clean, build shape or program any of the weapons in the sparklings present. Luna had now been quiet over the bond, and Ratchet could feel her in recharge, the little thing was exhausted. Ratchet turned out all the lights and went into the bench room, his optics glowing lowly in the dark as he looked at Ironhide that was resting against the wall with the sparkling cupped in his servo and pressed tightly against the place where his spark chamber was.

~How do you do it?~Ironhide grunted amazed over the spark bond now so they would not wake up Luna

~Do what exactly Ironhide?~ Ratchet asked as he went over to them, smiling knowingly and waited for the red mech to lie down before he joined him with a groan. His frame was so stiff, and in the morning, he would surely need a good oil bath. Ironhide placed the sparkling close between them both as she recharged.

~I had tried to get her in recharge for the last mega-cycle and not succeeded, and then you speak up, and she went into reloading mode right away~ he grumbled, and Ratchet could not help to give away a low rumbling sound.

~Carriers skill?~he asked with an innocent voice as Ironhide scoffed low

~yeah right~ He said, not believing his bond mate for one bit, it was all about timing, he had worked so hard to get her into recharge.

~No really, if you not had broken the records pad, you would have understood why~ he still was not finished with the repair of it, although, he did not know if he could repair it.

~I said I was sorry, and it was broken before anyway~ Ironhide grumbled

Ratchet smiled and offlined his optics and let his helm rest against the red mechs, taking pity on him.

~It is a program that comes with the creations of a new spark; it will help the sparkling to relax when it hears it carries voice~ He explained

Ironhide was processing this ~huh, and why not their sire?~ he asked

~That I don't know, I have my theories that is because I was carrying her and she herd my voice and felt my percent since her creation.~He mused as he looked at the red mech

~ when we find Smokescreen you can ask him, he knows more how bots of all ages think, he a psychologist before all of this~

~Maybe I will~ Ironhide answered and let his now free servo lay around Ratchet waist and drag him closer to his frame. ~And maybe I won't, can't stand it when he gets too smug or trying to get me to bet him in something~

Ratchet rumbled amusing, that was true. That bot had a gambling issue and liked to take a bet on anything that he could.

~Recharge well~ Ratchet said low as his recharging program activated and he went in to recharge, and Ironhide looked over his scanning and alerting program so that he would wake up if somebody was getting in their quarter before his recharging program took over and he to powered down.


"Hello, Luna!" Jazz cheered as Ratchet walked into the hall and gave away a huffing sound

"Morning to you too " Ratchet grumbled, and Luna giggled as her carrier put her down on the floor so that she could stroll at her own, she was still really unstable on her feet, but it was in the right direction. Jazz smiled as he hunched down a little bit "Look at that, the little Princess is starting to walk" he retched down his servo so that she could have a goal to walk tower and she brightly smiled at him as she started to step forward. Ratchet huffed and started to walk away to get their energon for the orn, Ironhide had patrol duty in the morning and after that probably taking on minor monitor duty.

Luna smiled "Azzy!" she cheerfully exclaimed and threw herself on his waiting hand, he hissed her up against his faceplate and laid his forehead against hers in a greeting, making her giggling.

"Good work little one, I do think that you are growing every orn now, soon you are going to be run around" he smiled and poked her as she squirmed and laughed

"Yeah!" she cheered and smiled brightly; she could not wait for that "at ya doing?"

Luna looked down at the datapad in front of him and walked over to it. The thing was as big as she was. It was fun to see what was written on it even if Luna did not fully understand the meaning of all the words. However, there were a few words she recognized.

"Filling a report to Prowl on my last mission" He explained, "but I have a paint program on it if you want to paint a little?" he asked

Luna could feel something cold griping her spark when he said that, the painting program. She wanted to paint, but that only reminded her about the incident with Prowl, and she did not like that. Luna stared down at the datapad like she did not know what to do with it, could her paintings hurt make the others glitch also? She had tried to make them happy. Luna crouched down and looked at the datapad closer but did not touch it, utterly unaware that Jazz examined her with an indescribable expression. He had heard about the event with Prowl and his glitching over the emotions that the painting had created. Some part of him, a big one, liked that Prowled had reacted that way, but the other small part was worried how the sparkling had been taking it.

Ratchet came back and put one large energy cup in front of him and a much smaller one in front of Luna. The sparkling looked down at the small cube and gently picked on it and started to drink the liquid.

:: Ratchet? have Luna acted any different sins that event with Prowl and the Twins?:: Jazz asked over a private sequence

The medic looked up at him and then back to his sparkling that was trying and succeeding to drink her energon by herself without spilling out its content

:: No, should she?::

:: No, maybe not, but she doesn't want to paint, and her expression made me worry::

Now the situation caught Ratchet attention; his sparkling loved to paint, maybe she was just hungry? But as he started to process the thought, memory files popped up and reminded him that the femmling had not touched any of her painting pads for the last two solar cycles. Ratchet grumbled lowly; only Jazz would notice something this small in the sparklings behavior, he had not even recognized the sign that she was avoiding it. Jazz studied the medic and then the sparkling before he smiled a little.

:: With your permission, I can try something?:: He asked and now earned a suspicious look from the white mech.

:: Should I get suspicious for your action, Jazz, as you ask for my permission?:: The medic asked slowly making the other one chuckled

:: Ouch, that hurt Ratchet! Me suspicious? I never do anything without any purpose behind it::

:: That is precisely why::

:: Yeah, Yeah, blame it on the spy, it is all in my coding!:: he chuckled and then got more serious again:: It is nothing big, just a test to see if it is as we suspect::

Ratchet looked the other one over and tried to process what the spy tried to find out, but then again, he trusted Jazz, so he nodded in approving. It would not hurt anyone, and if the spy was wrong then maybe it was just a face the sparkling was going through.

:: Prowl?:: Jazz asked as he knew that the TIC would need to refuel as well, so he could do it with them.

:: Yes, Jazz, what can I do for you? I'm busy::

:: No, you're not, You need to refuel, and if you don't come to the refueling hall in one klik, I will tell Ratchet that you haven't had any energon for at least an orn::

There was a silence over the channel, and Jazz could almost hear the different possibility and ways Prowl tried to overcome that statement just so that he could stay in his office. Really, what was he going to do with that bot?

:: I'm on my way::

:: I knew you would see it from my point of view, love you Prowler:: Jazz said grinning

"He is on his way," Jazz said to the medic that looked at him with a raised optic ridge.


Jazz smiled down at the sparkling "a surprise," he said to her chuckling, and Luna nodded as she drank up the last of her cube, her tank telling her that it now was full. She lover surprises.

It only took Prowl few breems to walk from his office and into the refueling hall where he saw Jazz and Ratchet sitting on a table, and he walked over tower them, and Jazz put an Energon cube in front of him as he sat down.

"Jazz, Ratchet" he greeted and looked down at the sparkling "Lunastorm."

The white sparkling looked up at the black and white bot with wide optics in surprise; it was Prowl! And he was online again!

Jazz looked at the sparkling and registries her reaction of the mechs presents as the sparkling started to crawled tower Prowl and then she raised on her feet and tried to find her stabilizing center again to walk.

Prowl followed her progress and looked at her when she was right in front of him, careful enough to keep his battle processor in check. He did not need a repeat of their last meeting. He looked up at Jazz and saw the particular look on his face; in other words, he was planning something.

"What are you trying to do?"

"I have no idea what you mean."

For the time he had looked away from the sparkling, she had made her way over to him and was suddenly hugging the closest part that she could reach, his chassis directly over his spark.

The motion startled the tactician, and he could only stare down at the smaller white femme in front of him. What was the sparkling doing? He looked up at Ratchet who just shook his helm and then towered Jazz that just smiled. So no help there, Prowl vented out softly as he looked back down at the sparkling. What had brought this on?

"What are you doing Lunastorm?" he asked the sparkling that just clung on him harder, not saying anything to help him understand this behavior.


Jazz chuckled again and took pity on the tactician.

" I think you are glitching the other orn scared her" he explained

"It doesn't make sense, I'm fine and online now, there is no real meaning to this behavior," Prowl said dryly

"Feelings rarely make sense, not to a sparkling."

Ratchet now understood the whole situation and looked at his sparkling and could not help to smile a little.

"Watch it Ratchet; bots may think that you are going soft on them" Jazz teased as he leaned back on the chair.

Ratchet huffed and did not answer him like that was ever going to happen here. With a crew like this, he was doomed to give them some harsh love treatment to keep them all from getting hurt or scraped for nothing. All his hard work was often proven insignificant. All things considered, Ratchet had not noticed that the whole situation with Prowl had shaken his sparkling core like this.

"Luna?" Jazz asked when the sparkling started to let go of Prowl "Why don't you want to paint anymore?" he asked her and the sparkling hide her head in Prowls chassis again, mumbling something.

"We can't here you Luna," Ratchet said as he too wanted to hear her answer

"Owli urt by paint' n," She said as she listed to Prowls spark beat, he was online "no paint'n."

That did not make any sense for Prowl at all as he looked down at the sparkling before he picked her up in his hand as she gave away a surprising sound by the motion, he brought her up to optic level.

"Look at me, Lunastorm," he said to the sparkling that shook her helm, she did not want to.

Prowl vented out again softly, "Please?"

Now Luna slowly looked up at him, and she felt small; she could feel the lubricate start to collecting in her optics and starting to fall as she looked up. Prowl looked, in turn, down at her and then did something that he would never have considerate to do; he wiped away the lubricate that had dropped down her chin with a soft motion of his finger.

"It is not your fault what happened," he told the sparkling

"Yes it is" she protested

"No, when a part of my processor is in the function, I can't handle raw emotions. As a result, it will shut down on itself" he explained to her

"Jazz has triggered it; the terror twins do it all the time even your sire have succeeded with it. So no, you did not cause it."

Luna looked up at him and tried to process the new information "emotion no ake s-sense? " she asked

Prowl nodded, "Yes, in conclusion, emotions don't always make sense for me."

Luna nodded slowly; she could understand that. So her painting had not hurt Prowl, and it would not hurt anyone ells then, perhaps she could paint again, she missed that. She looked looking down at the bigger datapad.

" paint' n, no 'urt?" she asked in a low voice, and Prowl shook his helm

"No, it was not the painting," he told her sincerely

" In any case, we currently have the best medic in this universe with us, so if something, against all logic and possibility, something would happen. Your Carrier will fix it easily," Jazz said as he smiled behind his cube of energon as Prowl lowered the sparkling down again on the table.

Luna hesitated for a little while before she started to slowly and wobbly walk tower the data pad and sat down on her knee joints as Jazz put up the painting program to let her have some fun with it, feeling satisfied over the whole thing.

"Mission accomplished."