Chapter 6: One Sweet Confession


"Are you good one riding a motorbike?" I carefully asked her since she was still drunk which I hope she could handle the adrenaline on the drive.

"I could squeeze the life out of you if you're asking that." Mirna joked as she leaned her body even more to me which seriously making my nose itched.

"Mirna, please tell me since if not, we're calling a cab." I groaned as I reasoned to her.

"I'm cool in adrenaline just don't kill me." She laughed before her hands wrapped around my neck which making me looked at her orbs. Dang, it! I am getting lost staring at them.

"Oh God, you're safe with me. I won't let anything harm you. But are you serious?" I snapped from my staring and let her butt leaned over my Ducati motorbike.

"With you, I could be." She answered that really driving my mind gone insane from the way she answered.

"Oh c'mon. Fine and be the death of me." I gave up as I settled her on the backseat of my motorbike.

"Yey!" she chuckled which I can't help but to shook my head as I hopped on and started the engine then drove back to my house.

But on the way wasn't the best idea of driving when a drunk and flirtatious crush of mine was sitting behind me. Well, she's just whispering something that I don't want to understand at all followed by some laughter while her arms holing my waist tightly or if not, oh gosh, I don't want to think of it where it was going. I'm just focusing my mind on the road since if I didn't; we're going to get crashed.

Getting on my house, I immediately carried her while my butler-driver took care of my motorbike to the garage. I was about to take her to my room but when she wiggled into my bride-style carry, I have to put her down carefully in the living room.

"Clean slate." Mirna commented on my choice for my house floor plan since it's an open concept.

"Well, it's just me and my servants." I told her while I am removing my coat and drop it neatly over the comfy couch by the living room.

"I see, but your parents?" she wondered as we both passed the living room to the huge full-sized kitchen. I like the kitchen in the middle to divide that living space into the dining space plus, I love to cook whenever I had time to do it.

"Are you sober?" I asked her instead of answering her question first.

"I asked first but yes, I am sober for you to calm worried nerves." She chuckled as she playfully slapped my shoulder as we both another hall that leads to a couple of rooms. It felt like I am touring her around my house.

"Thanks and about my parents, they're in their own house. I built my own after I inherited part of the land that my great grandfather owns. That's why my parents weren't here." I answered as I stopped in front of the dead-end corner room with a black door.

"Okay." She smiled while looking at some abstract paintings hanging on the hall wall.

"Come here." I invited which made her looked at me while smiling then she took my open hand that's laid in front of her before opening the door.

"Is this your room?" she wondered as she saw how neutral and neat my room could be.

"Yeah, relax and rest. I'm gonna make something for you." I told her as I let her look around in my bedroom while I turned my back and start removing my clothes.

"Thanks." I heard her say it before I closed the door of my bathroom closet.

I changed my clothing into some decent one since I don't want for her to see me naked just because I am used to doing that in my own room but nope. I just wore my oversized pale-grey sweatshirt, black bedroom short shorts before heading out of the bathroom –closet. But as soon as I got out, I saw Miran's half-naked back facing me while she's staring out my balcony window. I seriously felt hot all of the sudden but the next thing I knew that my body was doing was I went back quickly inside the bathroom and vomit. I groaned as I could remember that her fruity mint tea scent was really driving my control really high.

"You okay?" I jolted a little when I suddenly heard her voice coming from the doorway of my bathroom closet.

"Ahm, yeah. Maybe it's just a spoiled meal." I dodged but another jolt happened followed by some shivers down my skin as I felt her arms snaking around my waist. I wanted to get rid of these arms but she suddenly kissed the nape of my neck and it was totally not helping.

"You're totally cute when you're not so uptight." Mirna whispered to my ears which seriously making my skin into their goosebumps. I am not sure if I am liking it but all I know at this moment I have to stop since she's totally drunk.

"Mirna, let go and let's go get you something to make you sober." I removed her arms around my waist carefully before turning to her.

"Like I said, I am sober. I just like to see you being like this." She leaned closer to my face and was about to kiss my lips which I had to stop.

"Oh please stop that. I don't want you like this." I told her even I really wanted her lips against mine but I have to.

Mirna did as she was told but the looked over her face was not the face that I wanted to see. She was stunned and rejected which made my heart sunk in such pain. I immediately went closer and held her carefully like a fragile doll.

"Oh my God…what have I done…I look like a slut…I'm a slut." Mirna mumbled with fright over her face and I hate it.

"No. Mirna, you're not a slut." I tried to tell her but she won't listen to me as if she's in the other world of her mind.

"Oh God, you think I am a slut." She tried to convince herself that she's one.

"What? Why would you think that?" I wondered as I thought that she was in a state of shock.

"You think I am." She pressed which irritates me big time. I don't like her to think that way or even to feel like that or even thought that I'm only after her body which I'm absolutely not.

"Oh for the love of God, I don't think of you any less of being a slut. I just don't want you to act like this to me whenever we're alone with alcohol in your system." I snapped her from her thought and let her focused on what I am saying to her. Well, she's totally staring and finally listening to me.

"You heard me, Mirna James. It's okay for you to do this with me if there's no influence of any drug or alcohol in your body. It's really sweet and hot but nope. I don't want that. I respect you so much that I don't want to take advantage of it." I made myself even more clear to her which made her nod cautiously. I smiled and pulled her out of the bathroom.

As we both got out from that drama in the bathroom closet of mine, I let her relaxed over the couch over my desk and called my maid to get us something to warm us.

"Coffee or tea?" I asked Mirna who's checking anything over my coffee table.

"Mint tea." She answered while scanning the clothing magazine.

"Alright. Get me some blank tower coffee and a set cup of mint tea." I turned to my maid that I had just called and told her what we need tonight.

"Yes, Milady." Letty said before leaving my room with my request. Well, Letty was my head maid who might be looking like she was just in her 58 and she's my nanny during my younger years.

"So, let's play an honest game while we're waiting for our midnight drinks." Mirna was indeed smiling as she suggested me that.

"Are there any rules over that game?" I wondered as I took my seat over my desk since I have to check some emails regarding the company that I have own which also included the joined company – research laboratory.

"Hmm, how about being honest? One question and one honest answer which we'll take turns to." Mirna answered since she's just making this game up plus, she's doing it for some conversation to keep going.

"Okay. You start." I let her take this opportunity while I am doing my homework.

"Alright, here we go. Ahm, that night at the beach party of the company, do you long on doing it with me again?" I suddenly stopped reading some emails over my laptop when I heard that question. I took few seconds for breathing before answering her.

"Yes. My turn, do love doing them with me?" I honestly answered before I asked her the same thing.

"Yes. So, how about flirting with me was it funny or lovely?" she chuckled over the question she just asked.

"Both. Are you have starting to fall in love with me?" I answered and wondered if ever she has that since I'm got some hints whenever we stared at each other's orbs.

"Can we pass that?" she tried to dodge the question which I understood already but let's pushed her a little more.

"Answer me honestly." I reminded her of rules over her honest game which she just sighs dejectedly.

"Yes. I am starting to feel them ever since that night. I know I shouldn't but I did and I can't stop it from doing so. I know you're my boss and all but hell; I am falling in love with you, Elrisha. So do you feel the same?" she answered as she also explained to me which honestly, my heart was really reacting to every word she was telling me. Lovely.

"I do but there are a lot of things in my closet that really hard to handle." I answered her as neutral as I could muster.

"It's up to me to decide whether it's hard to handle or not. So better to tell me about them for you to know if I could handle them and so, what are they?" she still pressed which I can't help but to smile over her push-over whenever there's something that interests her. She kept asking and wanting to know whether it's all good or not. She just wanted to know something about me.

"I am in love with you ever since I laid my eyes on you that very night but I have to hold myself together and not just jump on it. I have a lot of things going on without the knowledge of anyone that lives in the sunny light of life. But I can't take them any longer. My longing for your touch, your love, and everything about you…I can't contain my blossoming feelings for you but I am a vampire duchess, Mirna; a monster." I confessed since we're already on it which I also hoped that she could take them because if not – I don't want to know what I'm gonna do.